Chapter 39

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Sunrise slept calmly. She was curled up near the windowsill, the quiet of night relaxing her as she slowly breathed in and out. She experienced pleasant dreams of herself in the forest as a clan cat, learning how to fight and hunt.

The pleasantness of this vision came to a halt as she awoke to a start, hearing the sound of something bounce off the window. Sunrise slowly opened her eyes, her pupils adjusting to the darkness of the room.

It was still night, and it didn't look like sunrise would occur for a little while longer. Curious at what this sound had been, Sunrise stood up and stretched, glancing out the window. She saw nothing.

Guessing it had not been anything at all, she laid back down, only to hear this noise again. Frustrated now, she stood back up and glanced out the window, once again not noticing anything in particular.

She paused for a moment, her heart racing as she watched a figure leap up and scratch the window. From the tiny second she had seen the figure, she guessed it had looked like a cat.

Her heart pounding viciously against her chest now, she glanced down, noticing the familiar frame of Fawn. Tilting her head, she glanced down, locking eyes with her friend.

Fawn begin to mew, and Sunrise assumed she wanted her to come out and greet her. Sunrise gave a quick nod and descended from her windowsill, coming towards the closed door of the bedroom.

She pawed at the bedroom door, hoping her master would come. He slept soundly though, and she began to scratch at the door. Still, he did not budge.

Sunrise began to mew now, and when he still did not wake, she mewed louder. Suddenly, she heard him turn, and she mewed again, pawing at the door.

The boy, her owner, got up and groggily staggered forward towards the door, rubbing his eyes and yawning.

"What are you doing, Sunrise?" he asked tiredly.

Sunrise pawed at the door, and the boy sighed, opening the door.

"I don't know what you even need to do out there," he mumbled. Sunrise rubbed against him in gratitude and padded outside in the dark hallways of the house. The boy had gone back to bed, and she supposed she'd come back into his room later.

She slowly crept by the kitchen until she came to the cat door. She was relieved to find it had not been sealed off. She supposed there was really no need since Holly and Polly would not go outside unless forced and she slept in the boy's room at night.

Sunrise made her way outside, chilled by the cool air. With summer's warmth fading, the nights had gotten even colder, and she glanced around.

Fawn sat on top of her fence, her tail curled around the wooden post.

"Fawn?" Sunrise asked. "Why are you here?"

Fawn leapt down from fence and approached Sunrise slowly. She'd never pulled this sort of act before, making Sunrise worry.

"I need to talk to you," Fawn explained.


"Let's head into my backyard," Fawn offered. Sunrise nodded and followed her up the fence, nearly slipping as she leapt up. If only Fawn could've waited until morning to speak to her.

Sunrise paused, watching a tiny glow in the distance. Sunrise was approaching, and already, the sky was no longer pitch black, but more of a dark indigo.

"Couldn't this have waited until morning?" Sunrise asked as she followed Fawn into her backyard.

"No. Well, I suppose it could have, but I needed to talk to you," Fawn said.

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