Chapter 2 : The Meeting

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Chapter Two : The meeting


I played candy crush saga on my phone whilst I waited for the president and his entourage, I dispelled the nervousness that had pooled in the pit of my stomach.

When I thought of all my reports that had gathered shelf space, I knew that I had to be strong and stand my point. I just had to be a strong enough woman especially in front of all those men who think women shouldn't even be in be in government.

I heard silent laughter and turned to look for the source, He walked in tall and proud, he joked and laughed with the vice president, his dimples and white teeth shown so brightly I was so dazed. He was light skinned and had these pretty side burns that defined his face, slightly bushy hair with a well built body. He is Oil and gas magnate, airline owner and many other allied businesses. Billionaire extraordinare, Olaniyi Olanipekun
Dear Lord he looked good! But always remember that most of them who look too good to be true, usually think that they are God's gift to mankind, just you watch he'd be too arrogant for his own good.

It was then that I noticed that I was being talked to by the vice president and I had zoned out. I greeted him first "Yemisi how are you doing?"
I smiled and said "fine, thank you sir " He nodded at me " Hope you're well prepared for today's meeting" I answered in the affirmative.
As we walked into the small conference room the president's personal assistant said that the president was running a bit late due to a meeting with the council of state, I was puzzled as to why the vice president wasn't at the meeting and whilst I was thinking, he answered my unasked question.

"I was in a meeting with Olaniyi here, he's going to be an integral part of this meeting "
My mind whirled endlessly and I thought why is he here, he's an oil and gas magnate, what impact is he going to have on this meeting, I don't need people who have no clue what this is all about to spoil my chances.

The door opened and the president strode in obviously annoyed, oh Lord Jesus please don't let his anger rub off on this presentation.

"Hello, lady and gentlemen, welcome to today's meeting, what's today's agenda". His personal assistant read out the words while I mentally prepared myself for their questions about my presentation "so people what can we do about this deplorable state that the system is in, and where on earth are those from the education ministry?"
He asked angrily, his anger probably from the earlier meeting was raking in and boy oh boy the minister is in trouble. Just after his words the minister and his entourage also walked in.

"You are late and you have the effrontery to walk into this meeting, let this be the last time you would ever come to a meeting which I head, late or else just forget about your job because it's over that day. "He hissed and turned to see those who walked in they were the minister, permanent secretary, his assistant and a few others.

Let the show begin

"why, yemisi, do you think the system be changed?" The permanent secretary asked in a mocking manner, they all just think the same way. CHAUVINIST!!!!!

"With all due respect sir, I have not said that it be changed, I just said during my presentation that our method of implementing is all wrong, the 6-3-3-4 system brought about most of us, it would be a shame to say that it hasn't worked out for us. Just not quite as well as it should have. We should have been reaping maximum potential from it by now, it's been almost 3 decades now. We should do better". This man is testing me, should I remind him that this is his damned job, I hiss loudly in my head.

"So yemisi what do you propose we do, I know you have a good idea." that Olaniyi, annoying Olaniyi asked me with his eyes hooded by his lashes, he looked bored. I glared at him in anger.

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