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The spatter of rain on glass windows echoed through the apartment complex, soothing the two young boys. Jungkook loved the rain. Its soothing sound mixed with the faint roar of the fan that he's learned to love as a child lulling him to sleep. The shiver that ran up his spine due to the slight breeze reminded him of the best part of the rain. Curling up into a soft and warm blanket. Rain was defiantly better than any antidepressant or therapy out there. It seems depressing to many but the reality is quite the opposite. Rain gives life. What jungkook was unaware of though was that rain also brought others together.

As for taehyung he's also learned to love the rain. Its the cause for so many raw emotions spilling all at once only to be transfered onto paper. As soon as he heard the familiar pit patter his writers block vanished and what was once his happy space no longer felt like a chore. The adrenaline of inspiration coursing through his mind was intoxicating and taehyung wanted more. Its been weeks since he's written anything that surely looked like it came out of a childrens book.

Meanwhile jungkook got up from his bed, making his way to a window to greet the cute author next door. The two buildings weren't that far from each other so they could see each other clearly. Jungkook could say he's good friends with the elder. Enough to say there was never any awkward tension between them. Every conversation he had with taehyung was calm and soothing; he always looked forward to them. They've hung out a couple times. Mostly when jungkook was post breakdown and craved his boxy smiles and warm hugs. The elder knew of his "history" and was always very comforting. In simple english kim taehyung was the highlight of most of his days. 

Shaking off some thoughts he went back to what he was originally doing. Glancing out the small window he noticed the author concentrated on something he didn't really catch. He pulled out his phone, deciding on just texting him.

Sent 11:17 pm
👀 look up

Teahyung grunted as he heard a piercing ping, cursing whoever interrupted him. His frown quickly turned into a shy grin though when he saw who it was, feeling a faint blush making its way to his cheeks. Shyly looking up he decided on dropping the task at hand. "It can wait" he thought to himself. Taehyung gave the brunet a small wave, which he returned equally as flustered. The author couldn't help but stare at the younger. He looked so adorable. He had a fluffy pink blanket wrapped around his body, covering everything except his neck and face. His cheeks were tainted a light pink, with a small yet sweet smile on, and his hair looked soft and slightly messy. Taehyung was whipped as always. The younger suddenly looked down, breaking the elder from his trans.

His phone pinged seconds later with a notification that read :

11:23 pm
Wana come over?


Whoa look a chapter that actually makes sense. Ive been trying a new writing style and im really happy with it. Rather than just concentrating on details and descriptions, puting more emphasis on the characters emotions and what not.

This is the begining of some plot though. Ive had writers block for a while and im so happy i actually wrote something im proud of. Im writing the next chap tmr tho, need to catch some zzzzzs

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2017 ⏰

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