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The pair lived in such different worlds. Lance was just a Cuban farmer boy who just wanted to find love and Keith was a cowboy from the southwest venturing out to find his missing friend. Lance didn't like farming as much, but it sure did make the women swoon. Women would watch from a far, gossiping about Lance McClain.

"Lance is so dreamy and hot, I want him to pull my wheats!" Said one girl.

Another laughed, "God I wish I was that cow right now. He sure knows how to treat a cow right."

They continued to watch Lance until they were caught doing nothing but swoon.

Lance wasn't intrested in any girls in the town. In fact, he wanted to leave home and start a new life, in the city. The Cuban would always grin at the thought, leave the place he's lived his whole life and move somewhere like New York. Wouldn't it be unusual? The environment is so different he bets he wouldn't last a day.

Switching gears we have Keith.

A lonesome boy, lost his Mom at a young age and his Dad abandoned him when he was just 15. All his life he had Shiro. His one and only friend. When Keith dropped out of school Shiro supported him. He tutored Keith about everything he had taught in school. Surprising enough, Keith was such a fast learner and was even better than Shiro. On Keith's 18th birthday, his best friend disappeared and so he packed up all of his belongings and rode his horse finding Shiro.

He's never had a birthday without him. Why would someone take Shiro away from me? Keith thought. He wore his cowboy hat and rode off to the sunset beginning his journey.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 17, 2017 ⏰

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