Character Page(s)

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Character Page(s):

1. Name: Sakon & Ukon

2. Age: 17 Years old in appearance, not much is known beyond that

3. Height: About 6'1"

4. Eye Color: Black

5. Physical Appearance: They share the same torso, hair color, and skin tone. They also carry a huge scroll on their back. Ukon's head is in the back while Yukons head is in the front. Seperate heads and necks. Ukon faces back. Yukon faces front.

6. Unique Physical Attributes: Their blue hair and two necks/heads

7. Hobbies/ Interests: Causing mischief and trouble

8. Where Does he/she live?: Where ever choices are made

9. Special Skills/Abilities: They can cause indecision and destruction and other stuff like that. They use Phycalogical and physical ways of fighting

10. Family: They dont like talking about it

11. Description of his/her house: Very weird

12. Description of his/her bedroom: Once again, very weird

13. Favorite bands/songs/type of music: I'm not even going to try, every time I ask there is this huge argument about what type of music is better blah blah blah!

14. Favorite movies: Slasher

15. Favorite TV Shows: Anything bloody

16. Favorite books: Manga.

17. Favorite foods: Anything

18. Favorite sports/sports teams: Gladiator Fighting, they thought that Rome had the right idea

19. Political views: anything and everything

20. Any interesting philosophies on life?: Killing, Killing, and more Killing! Except their own kids...

21. Religion: Taoism (even though they are greek/roman gods)

22. Physical health: Absolutely Fabulous

23. Pet peeves: Determination in their enemies, it is just so annoying.

1. Name: Eris

2. Age: 16

3. Height: 5' 8"

4. Eye Color: Yellow like a cats (Really, it's really creepy)

5. Physical Appearance: Fit and lean from living on the streets, but not bulky

6. Unique Physical Attributes: His eyes and his body as a whole. He can grow extra body parts on his body, and use his very bones as weapons.

7. Hobbies/interests: Anything to not die from boredom

8. Where does he/she live?  What is it like there?: The place with the least amount of rats

9. Special skills/abilities: You'll soon find out. He doesn't like to reveal his secrets

10. Family (describe): Father is Yukon. Never knew his mother.

11. Description of his/her house: N/A

12. Description of his/her bedroom: N/A

13. Favorite bands/songs/type of music: Rap/Dubstep

14. Favorite movies: N/A

15. Favorite TV Shows: N/A

16. Favorite books: survival guides

17. Favorite foods: anything

18. Favorite sports/sports teams: Street Fighting

19. Political views: Screw that. He is way too busy trying to get something to eat to worry about politics

20. Any interesting philosophies on life?: Kill or be killed.

21. Religion: Doesn't have one. Thinks that if there was a god, then he would have helped him by now

22. Physical health: as good as a guy living on the streets can get

23. Pet peeves: People with money, a home, and loving parents, that think that they are tough

1. Name: Rebecca

2. Age: 15

3. Height: 4' 8"

4. Eye Color: Comepletely black. Whites, Irises and all

5. Physical Appearance: Well rounded figure. Muscular and lean

6. Unique Physical Attributes: When ever she cries it is blood instead of tears

7. Hobbies/interests: It is more of a habit. She is really depressed and angry and sometimes cuts herself

8. Where does he/she live?  What is it like there?: Lives on the streets. been beat up a lot their. Lives in L.A.

9. Special skills/abilities: You'll find out later

10. Family (describe): Mother is Ukon. Never knew her father

11. Description of his/her house: N/A

12. Description of his/her bedroom: N/A

13. Favorite bands/songs/type of music: anything to drown out outside noise

14. Favorite movies: N/A

15. Favorite TV Shows: N/A

16. Favorite books: N/A

17. Favorite foods: Anything

18. Favorite sports/sports teams: N/A

19. Political views: N/A

20. Any interesting philosophies on life?: Accept help before stabbing them in the back

21. Religion: Why should she believe in a god that supposedly watches over a world that has caused her so much trouble in her life.

22. Physical health: As good as she can get it without a doctor. Has to take some strange pills that a strange man with an overcoat and a hump on his back gave her (Hint Hint!)

23. Pet peeves: Happy people

1. Name: No one knows, goes by the nickname: Nix

2. Age: 63

3. Height: 6'11"

4. Eye Color: White

5. Physical Appearance: Very Old but is still in good physical condition 

6. Unique Physical Attributes: HE HAS SIX ARMS

7. Hobbies/interests: Sharpening his arrows or daggers

8. Where does he/she live?  What is it like?: Old Crumbly Temple with a training area

9. Special skills/abilities: Blade Hurricane- Nix spins aroud really fast with his long daggers in all six of his arms making a tornado of death

10. Family (describe): all dead doesn't like to talk about it

11. Description of his/her house: really moldy and vine covered

12. Description of his/her bedroom: had a small bedroll and cabnet with his belongings. part of wall destroyed. opening covered in vines.

13. Favorite bands/songs/type of music: N/A

14. Favorite movies: N/A

15. Favorite TV Shows: N/A

16. Favorite books: N/A

17. Favorite foods: Anything

18. Favorite sports/sports teams: Sparring

19. Political views: N/A

20. Any interesting philosophies on life?: If you wish to gain knowledge, add something every day. If you wish to gain wisdom, take away something every day.

21. Religion: Really awkward subject

22. Physical health: pretty good for an old man

23. Pet peeves: lazyness

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