chapter seven

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His mother beamed when her little boy became the most amazing being she had ever seen. He was confident and friendly, loving to be social with everyone around him.

Around seven years old was when Brad began to feel funny. He looks differently at the world, seeing things more than Tristan and James did. His mind and body began to slowly mature from adolescence which made his mother worry. He wasn't supposed to go through puberty this early.

"He's moody and says he's growing...down stairs." His mother whispered the last words while Brad played on his ancient Nintendo with his legs swinging. "He's lost nearly all his baby fat and those teeth were gone long ago. His voice is becoming faintly deeper even! It's not normal. He looks like a small twelve year old not seven!"

"Mrs. Simpson, I assure you that Brad is okay. He's just going through his changes earlier than others would. He's okay. We'll run some tests but I'm sure he was just born with an increase of testosterone."

Brad turned out to be fine.

But, he would have to begin to take small, minuscule doses of estrogen every other morning to help slow down the rate he was growing. It was just unhealthy. The estrogen didn't affect anything except stunt his growth making him shorter due to the amount and taking times.

Brad thought it was cool he was getting older faster. When he and the other boys went to the school, Brad would be proud of himself for being more mature and show it in his posture and attentive listening. He didn't know it was his body growing irrationally fast; not his mind.

"Why do you have fur under your arms?" Tristan had asked when they were nine. Brad's under arms had just began to start growing hair and the twins were concerned for his health.

"It's called hair, Tris. I'm a big boy so I have it." Brad said, proud of his untrained achievement.

Brad thought everything was so cool about maturing. He loved it.

He was still the happy little boy with messy brown hair and doe brown eyes, tan skin and a gentle soul when she started watching him.


This is a short spin off so within the next chapter or two you will hear what happened to Brad.


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2017 ⏰

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