SLIP || Louis Tomlinson AU

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(I know the title is odd, but it was the only way I could get the title to be a real word. SLIP stands for Sex Lessons In Private. Don't judge it, it's just the way I like it.

Enjoy the story, and please vote.


"You pretty good in school, right?" I was still having trouble seeing where he was taking this. How could school have anything do to with what he was proposing?

"Yes, of course," I answer honestly. I am more than pretty good, I have a 4.3 GPA.

"Think of it as a..private class. You don't want to fail, do you?" I slowly shake my head no, shyly looking up into his blue eyes. "The. It's settled," he announces. "I'm going to teach you how to have sex."

What have I gotten myself into?

Songs for this chapter -

Good Enough - Little Mix

Let's Get Lost - Beck & Bat For Lashes

Ours - The Bravery

Believer - American Authors


I keep my head down as I walk through the halls of Hester High. Not that anyone is paying attention to me anyways. It's just out of pure habit, and fright. Mainly fright. I'm not the sexy, confident girl you always hear about in books and movies. I'm the conservative, shy girl who eats her lunch in the bathroom stalls. I'm the quite girl who sits in the back of the class, getting more than perfect grades to make my more than perfect mother happy.

I've never fit in here. Anywhere for that matter. I'm just glad it's almost over. Because tomorrow I board the plane back to Doncaster. My new home. Tomorrow the loneliness leaves me forever. Hopefully.

Maybe I'll just stay to my old habits, reading and staying locked up in my room. It would be easier that way. Not to get attached to anyone. Not to have to examine a relationship. Not have to wonder if you can or can't trust someone. Anyone. Everyone. It's just better that way.

My feet carry me to the familiar car, getting into the familiar seat. Routinely putting my bag in the back, and turning to my familiar brother. His smile is wide as he sees some of his old friends from his years at the high school, not even bothering to notice me. Not that anyone ever does.

Sighing to myself, I tap his shoulder to gain his attention. He turns to me, his brown eyes taking me in.

"When did you get here?" he asks, raising an eyebrow at me. My nearly non-exist any self-esteem lowers even more and I can't help but feel like I'm not wanted anywhere. Not needed by anyone. Except maybe my mother, because Drew sure as heck isn't going to please her with his grades like I am.

"A few seconds ago.. C-can we go home?" I peer up at him and run a hand through my thick hair. I hate having such unruly, curly hair. It's always in tangles and is so poofy that most of my teachers sit me in the back so others can see, even if I can't. It's a miracle I keep up a 4.3 when I can't see anything past all the tall people.

"Yeah.. Let's go.." I nod and watch closely as he puts the car into drive. As soon as we get to Doncaster, I have to get my license. Might as well know how to drive.

When we get home, I head straight to my naked room. It was once filled with books and a bed and maybe a few posters here and there. This was the room my father held me the first time I cried.

I see the ghosted memories as I look around the small room. I see the frail, insecure girl who weeps in her fathers arms because of her bullies. My eyes wander to the shelf that remains on the wall, and I slowly reach up. I hiss as the familiar sharp object pricks my finger, knowing I've found my best friend.

SLIP || Louis Tomlinson AUWhere stories live. Discover now