Lesson 2 - Master of Seduction

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#751 BISHES!

I would like to take the time to thank NOBODY! I did this ALL on my own.


But seriously, thanks guys. You're all so amazing, and I'm so glad you decided to open up the story and come back for more. And more. And MORE!

I'm trying to update once a day, if you couldn't tell, hahah. I absolutely love you all, I'm giving you hugs and kisses right now!! Xx

Who's excited for this chapter???)

Songs for this chapter -

Empire - Shakira

Stars - Fun.

Don't Stop - 5 Seconds of Summer

A Different Beat - Little Mix

Lesson 2 - Master Of Seduction

Legs sprawled across the arms of the recliner, book in hand, music in ear. I'm in complete serenity, nothing could bother me right now, not as Katniss watches Prim die. I hear mumbling around me but think nothing of it as I read on, chewing on my lip 'til blood draws.

My eyes lift from my book just in time to see Louis. He shoots me a wink and chuckles as the blushes crosses my cheeks. He says something the my brother, earning an eye roll as he walks away.

The closer to me Louis gets, the clearer it becomes that I'm just sitting here in my some white lacy flannel pants and a black tank top. My nearly nonexistent breasts are visible if you stand above me, where he is. I can't help the flush deepening on my cheeks, eyes innocently peeking up at him.

He leans down, minty breath fanning my face as his hand pulls out one of my head phones.

"Lesson two, master of seduction," he smirks, chewing on his lip the way I like it. The way that's only attractive on him. He brings his lips to my ear, whispering as they ghost over my earlobe. "Make them want you with teasing.." He pulls away and smirks, winking at me as he walks off, hands in his pockets as if he wasn't just too close for comfort. But the uncomfortableness was nice, desirable even.

I don't know what he's playing at, but his lessons are making me sexually frustrated. And this is only the second one!

Groaning, I rush up to my room, locking myself in. I need to focus on something, anything, otherwise.. I pull out my summer work that I've already got done, but the hand writing is a little sloppy. Might as well make it presentable, right?

Besides, I like school work. Honestly, if I really wanted to I could just tear my work to shreds and restart. Unfortunately I have work in an hour, and this took me five hours to complete the first time. Even if I could cut that time in half, I still wouldn't get it done before work.

I hum softly as I copy down the math problems. I'm taking geometry this year, and to catch up I have to do every even page in this work book. Five hundred twenty six divided by two is two hundred sixty three. Or, as my Spanish tutor would say, doscientos sesenta y tres.

There's something seriously wrong with me.

When the hour passes I stand up just as my door opens. My eyes connect with the brown of his, frowning as he let's himself into my room. He crosses the threshold, letting himself take a seat on my chair. I roll my eyes and take a deep breath before turning to him.

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