Lesson 1 - Know Thy Enemy

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Woah! I got a TON of great feed back!! Thanks sooooo much guys! I mean, 30 comments on the first chapter? That's insane. Even if it was only 2 girls!!

If you voted, I already thanked you. But again, thank you so much guys. I'm so glad this is getting such good reviews on just the first chapter! Xx

Songs for this chapter -

Luck - American Authors

Know Your Enemy - Green Day

Move - Little Mix

Competition - Little Mix

Lesson 1 - Know Thy Enemy

"A spoon full of sugar helps the medicine, go down. The medicine go down. The medicine go down. Yes a spoon full of sugar helps the medicine go down! In, the most, delightful way!" The lyrics leave my lips as I prance around the shop, humming the soft tune as I get orders and serve hot coffee.

I hear a chuckle and blush as I connect to hi blue eyes. My eyes travel to look at his tattoos but they're covered up. Strange..

"Hello, Louis," I smile politely. He frowns and raises an eyebrow. Suddenly I feel like he doesn't want to be seen with me in public, maybe hanging out with a virgin will give him a bad reputation. Of course it would, because he has tattoos and piercings. People like that don't hang out with people like me.. Especially teach them how to.. You know.

"Miss, I'm his twin. William," he chuckles. My eyes widen and I look up at him. This is a joke, I know it is.

He took out his piercing and wore conservative clothing just to mess with my head. He made his tattoos on his hands disappear, cover-up maybe? And somehow made it seem like he never even had a lip piercing. I know it's what he did.

I know it.

I know it.

I don't know it.

Louis walks in, piercing and all. He gives me a strange look as my eyes shift between him and his more presentable mirror image. My mouth opens a fees times, unable to comprehend what's happened.

"You got to work quickly," Louis smirks, William's eyes drinking me in. I focus on my mentor and nod, chewing on my lip.

"It has been a week, Louis. Give me a little credit.." I mumble, walking them to an empty table. His hand runs down my back, stopping at the small of it, thankfully. I don't feel like being groped in front of my boss.

"What can I start you off with?" I ask, smiling down at the pair. Twins. Who knew?

"Erm.. I'll have a cup of one-third hot chocolate, one-third French vanilla, and one-third caramel latte," William says. I giggle as I write it down and smile at him, admiring how he looks exactly like his brother, but not at all at the same time.

"Rather elaborate cup of coffee," I giggle. "Most people just get an ice coffee, especially in this weather," I say, referring to the 90° summer air.

"What can I say? I like my coffee how I like my girls, hot." He winks and earns a blush, making Louis fake gag himself.

"What can I get for you?" I ask, chewing on my lip as I feel William's eyes on me.

"Hmm.. A mug of black coffee, no sugar, no creamer. A crepe, strawberry please. And a side of you," he smirks, pulling me into his lap and pressing a kiss to my mouth. My eyes are wide as his tongue licks my bottom lip, almost as if asking for entrance.

Quickly, I get up and rush to the kitchen with the orders.

What the heck was that? Why did he kiss me? Just because William made some coffee joke? That makes no sense, none at all. I mean, it's not like he has some claim on me. Right?

When I agreed to let him..teach me.. Did I agree to a relationship? No, of course not. He said he would teach me about sex, not about boyfriends and girlfriends. Besides, he's too old to be my boyfriend! That's not stopping you from making him your sex buddy, my snide subconscious remarks, smirking as I roll my eyes at her.

He is not a sex buddy, he is merely a teacher! Ooh god, now I'm arguing with myself. I am beginning to think maybe I do have a disorder. Or maybe I'm just mental. Could be either or at this point.

"Order up!" My eyes open as I am handed a plate and two tall cups. Sighing and pushing my thoughts to the very back of my mind, I walk out to the table where the twins sit is waiting. Louis scrolls through his phone, meanwhile William smiles up at me.

"I was wondering," he starts, looking from me, to Louis, to me again. A smile spreads across his lips. "Would you like to go on a date?" He asks, earning a spit take from Louis all over my shirt and apron.

"Fuck," he curses, standing up at the same time as William to help me. "You okay, babe?" My eyes are wide as I look up at him and nod, letting Louis drag me to the men's bathroom. When we get in there he sits me down on the counter, standing between my legs as he dabs at the stain. I watch him curiously, seeing the boiling anger in his blue eyes as he focuses on anything, everything, except me.

"Louis..?" His eyes hesitantly raise up to mine, his lip ring pulled between his teeth. I can see a hint of a war in his eyes, but his hard mask is too strong to see through clearly. His eyes, blue as the ocean, search mine desperately. For what, I know not. Only that he's looking for something, and must have found it. Because he speaks.

"Know thy enemy.." he whispers, looking into my eyes. I don't get it, it's a quote. I know that much.

"I didn't know you knew Sun Tzu quotes," I attempt to joke, smiling meekly. His lip struggles to stay turned down, eventually winning the battle.

"How well do you know William?" Louis randomly asks, tucking a strand of my hair back behind my ear.

"About as good I know you," I remark, earning a displeased frown. But it's true. I do know louis as well as I know William. Just maybe a little better with Louis.

"I want you to remember who the enemy is here. William isn't some sweet, romantic type. He's just like me, bad for you. Unfortunately for you, you were stupid enough to fall for my trap." I frown at his words.

"You're wrong. You're not bad for me, you're helping me, not hurting me. I'll stay away from him, but I'm not staying away from you.."

"Baby, I never asked you to stay away from me," he winks, leaning in so his lips are ghosted over mine. "Lesson one, kissing. You want to make them want you, it's called desire, or lust. It's important to sex. If you both don't want it, one will end up doing all the work. And neither of you will reach your high," he says, chuckling to himself.

His eyes flicker down to my lips, then back up to my eyes. His hand grips my side tighter, and I just need his lips on mine. I want his lips to leave a trail of fire across my body, I crave his touch. Desire his tongue dancing on mine. Lust for his passion.

"Kiss me," I whisper-whine, tugging at the ends of his hair. He laughs lightly and complies, pressing his lips to mine. His tongue slithers out, like a snake on the prowl, gliding against my lip for access. To which I eagerly oblige.

His tongue wrestles mine, hands gripping my thighs as he holds dominance. His tongue skims my teeth and I giggle as he pulls me close. I smile as his teeth clasp my lip, tugging on it playfully as he pulls away, much to my dismay.

"Why'd you stop?" I breathe, looking up at him innocently. He laughs lightly and smiles down at me.

"Making out in the Café restaurant isn't exactly ideal for our first lesson," he winks. A blush crosses my face as I look down at my hands on his chest. He's right.

(Hey!! How was it? I know it's short, sorry guys. But get over it. The next one will attempt to be 6 pages, yeah? Xx

Love you all, thanks for voting on the first chapter. I know I already said my thanks, but I am seriously so damn grateful!! And the two girls who commented, ooh my gosh you're my new best friends!! Xx

Have a nice day my lovelies!! Xx)

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