Hello, Im Josh.

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Quote of the chapter:

"If people say things enough you will start to believe it, wether it's good or bad. Take in the good filter out the bad and smile through"


Rushed and pushed into the dressing room as I waiting for the guys to get ready so I could.

"I still cannot believe that's you!" I hear Niall say coming inside. I laugh and I flip my bangs out of my eyes, it's becoming a bad habit already.

"GET YOUR BUTT IN HERE HANNAH!" Calum called and I laughed more leaving Niall and walking to hair and makeup. I sat and they did my makeup a lot darker and bolder making my eyes pop more, it was different. But I liked it. I slipped on a white crop top with the 5SOS logo and a pair of high waisted shorts along with black vans. Luke finished hair when I was done and he took out his phone receiving a text,

"Uh, Hannah. Can you go find Josh? because Ashton isn't going to perform" Luke says

"Uh, one question... Who's Josh?" I ask feeling stupid.

"Oh, sorry. He's the drummer for One Direction. Josh Devine. He should be practicing, sound check actually." Luke explains laughing in the beginning. I nod walking off and towards the stage. I could hear someone hitting the drums to a steady beat. Why wasn't I asked to play drums? I could.

"Excuse me?" I call out, no response. "Josh?" I call a little louder. His head snaps up smiling at me. He had quiffed brown hair and was really attractive...

"I'm so sorry to bother you, but Ashton can't preform and we need you to play for 5 seconds of summer" I explain, he nods.

"So, might I ask who you are?" He asks standing up, letting a smirk replace his sweet smile.

"I'm Hannah" I say smiling and holding my hand out to him as he walked over. It seemed as though realization hit him as he shook my hand.

"Oh, your dating Ashton. Correct?" He says, I nod. "But I remember seeing you with longer, brown hair." He says laughing slightly.

"Yea..." I say feeling self conscious

"C'mon, I'll go talk with the lads" he says and we walk back to the dressing room. "A few shows ago I saw you play the drums, your very talented" he compliments smiling down to me.

"Thank you, your very talented as well" I say returning the smile.


"Hello!!!!" Calum says as we all walk onto stage. I pulled the guitar closer to my body and stood at the mic next to Michael.

"So sorry guys, Ashton wasn't feeling well so we have Josh filling in for him!" I say knowing it was a lie. I saw Josh run onto stage sitting on the stool behind the drums and I noticed Ashton watching from the side.

"So we are going to sing wherever you are" Luke says and we start strumming our guitars to the beat. This was my favorite song the have ever written, the lyrics have so much meaning.

"For a while we pretended

That we never had to end it

But we knew we'd have to say goodbye

You were crying at the airport

When they finally closed the plane door

I could barely hold it all inside

Torn in two

And I know I shouldn't tell you

But I just can't stop thinking of you

Working For That Happy Ending. (Sequel to Drum Sticks And Bass Guitars)Where stories live. Discover now