Chapter Eight | Change

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After their kiss, their relationship flurried ten folds

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After their kiss, their relationship flurried ten folds. Cyprus was still working on asking her to be his girlfriend. School had reopened and he hadn't seen Estella since their kiss because she went to go visit her grandparents. They had continued to talk on the phone, but it wasn't the same.

Cyprus found Estella by her locker and had instantly engulfed her in a hug, burying his head in her shoulder. She returned the hug as he murmured into her that he missed her and complained about the lack of stars London had so she was stuck being his only star. She laughed and eventually told him to let her go so she could finish packing her locker. She had picked up all the presents and shoved them into her locker, instead of letting them magically disappear as usual. They then walked, hand in hand, to their first class.

Everyone stared at the latest development. They didn't understand what had happened. She was an Ice Queen but she had laughed, rumour had it that she wasn't capable of such an emotion. Also the new guy, that many had hopes of scoring, was now besotted by her. It just wasn't fair.

Three boys in particular were angry. They had worked so hard for her and now she was just going to frolic casually with some nobody? No, they were already plotting and planning. They wouldn't stop until he knew that he had made a big mistake and broken a rule. These rules were not changing for him, just because he was new. No, he was going to pay for what he had done to her and they would make sure he didn't so much as glance in her direction. They got to work quickly.

Cyprus and Estella had no clue to the dangers that were awaiting for him. They continued their day as usual, ignoring the commotion that they had caused by being seen together. For once in her life, Estella had someone and she wasn't going to let him go. She had been lonely all these years with only her popularity status to keep her afloat and now she regrets all the time wasted as the Ice Queen.

She was slowly letting go of all the social rules and perfection enforced upon her by the student body. That didn't mean she was suddenly everyone's friend but that meant she didn't have to close herself off from everyone. She had put all the presents in her locker with a promise to go through them in the evening. She was going to have a fresh start this new year.

Cyprus dropped Estella off to class and had been given a free lesson by their teacher who was in no mood to teach them. Instead of sitting in class, he decided to excuse himself under the pretense of going to the library to take a walk around school. What he didn't realise what that someone was waiting for him to leave her alone.

A quick message was sent to notify the others of his excuse to leave class before they stalked him around school. They all took different routes to finally trap him in a deserted corridor.

"Well, well, well, look who we have here. Mr hot shot himself. What are you doing out here all alone?" The ringleader said as she stopped Cyprus in the middle. His two friends took their places on each side of Cyprus.

"I was taking a walk, and I'm going to continue it," Cyprus replied, he was about to walk around the ringleader but was pulled back by one of the boys.

"No, we haven't even started the fun yet. Stay away from Estella or else," he threatened, but Cyprus was taller than him so his intimidation tactic didn't have the effect he wanted it to have. The threat itself was also weak.

"I pick 'or else'," he replied, glaring at the ringleader. He had expected some people to be unhappy but he wasn't sure how unhappy they were going to be with his newly developed relationship with Estella.

"I was hoping you'd say that." He smiled. He was going to have a lot of fun with this new boy. He was going to learn his place.

"Whatever, are you a fanboy of Estella's?" Cyprus knew struck a cord by calling him a fanboy. He watched as the ringleaders features changed, showing the rage within.

"Grab him, I'm going to have a lot of fun with him," he sneered. His friends both held down Cyprus. The ringleader threw the first punch going straight for his eye.

Cyprus struggled to get out of the grip of the two boys as the ringleader threw more punches, going for his stomach. They were going to leave a lot of bruises.

He stopped his attack.

"Stay away from Estella."

"No," Cyprus replied. He figured out how they kept her isolated now. It was all the threats and fear that kept people away. Estella wouldn't be able to keep people away with her icy glares and sharp tongue alone. It all made sense.

The onslaught attack continued on Cyprus as he continued to reject the ringleader's commands. They soon dropped him and left, one of his friends muttering about how soon the classes would be over. He gave Cyprus one last kick as he dropped to the floor before leaving him.

It wasn't long after that a student found Cyprus lying on the ground and notified the school that someone was injured. The question wasn't whether he would wake up or not, it was rather; was she worth it?


Is she worth it?

Is she worth it?

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