Chapter 23

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They wandered down into a bar named Kralla's Song. Olivia thought that it was almost ironic that she was there, in the place she'd wanted to be. "It's run by run an asari named Umi Henon." Lyle said, sweeping long brown hair over the scars down his cheek. He wasn't much older than herself. "I bet you'd be grateful if I could get you fixed up with a place, wouldn't you, Vanessa."

She winced inwardly at the insinuation. "Yes, very grateful." She lied as he pushed her into a booth, heading to the bar to get drinks. She supposed she could try and run off now, or she could keep up the pretence. This man might know something of Kendra.

Sighing, she loosened her hair, brushing it out with her fingertips. She rose, wandering to the bar, trying to look seductive and feeling like such a fraud.

"There's your drink." Lyle eyed her figure up and down as she lounged against the bar, "Couldn't stay away from me, huh?"

"Something like that?" Her fake smile widened.

"Don't I know you, kid?" A deep gravelly voice said on her other side. She turned her head, red hair swishing as her eyes settled on a Krogan in yellow and black armor. He was old, scarred and familiar. This was Nakmor Drack, one of Scott's team.

"I don't think so." She lied, "I just got here today." She gave a ditzy giggle, taking a swig of the drink. "My friend is showing me around. I'm Vanessa."

There was a knowing look in Drack's eyes as he nodded, "My mistake." Olivia could feel his eyes on her as she sat back down in the booth, Lyle pulling her close, sliding an arm around her waist as he talked at her about Sloane and the Outcasts. She smiled and nodded appreciatively, pretending to sip the drink that she was sure he'd slipped something in.

In her peripheral vision, she watched the krogan leave.

"I have a friend on Kadara. I'm looking for her." Olivia leaned in to talk, "Her name is Kendra Croasdale."

"The name's familiar." Lyle scrunched up his face, thinking. "Think she helped blast some Kett down here all that time ago." He looked at her glass, "Drink up!"

Reluctantly she took a gulp of the blue drink, tasting the bitterness beneath the sickly sweet taste. He kept staring, so she took another. "Would you look into it for me?" She asked. "I'd be so grateful."

"It would be my pleasure." Her companion replied, his fingers running up and down her arm. "Keep drinking. I'll be just a moment." He drifted to the bar, and had a quick word. A few minutes later, he returned. "Your friend came back a month or so ago and disappeared off into the Badlands. She's here though."

So the message had been accurate. Umi, the barkeeper, was now staring hard at Olivia who gave another fake giggle, hoping to slip under the radar. She needed to speak to her alone, but first she needed rid of Lyle.

"Is that man with the Collective?" She said, her head feeling a little heavy. She nodded to a Salarian lurking by the doors.

"He's one of their recruiters." Lyle said sourly. "We're supposed to leave them alone."

"That's not very heroic of you." She smirked, "You just let him get away with it." On this planet it seemed that tempers were always on the edge.

Lyle huffed, and then the salarian caught a man by the arm and started speaking quietly. Fury crossed her companion's drunken face. He shot up from his seat, his pistol withdrawn. "Hey! Collective!" He shouted. The Salarian withdrew a weapon from nowhere, and fired. Lyle threw himself to one side as the patrons started screaming and running.

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