Chapter 8

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Sigh. Potato's are great.


"Don't worry about it, Cry..." and he closed the door. I stared at the door for a moment. My fave started heating up and I could have sworn my hands started shaking. What the heck was wrong with me? He's just a guy. Just a very..attractive..and nice..I shook my head. My stomach growled again and I quickly ripped the bag of chips open. I stuffed my face with the chips and swallowed them. My hunger subsided a little, but it was still there a little bit. I could get through the day, I guess.

Maybe today, wouldn't be so bad...


Okay, fuck what I said about today not being bad. This, is bullshit.

I stared at Mr. Austin at his front desk. Everyone else had left already, but he wanted me to come and talk to him about something. I thought it was something simple and would be over in a minute, Boy was I wrong.

"What  do you mean I'm not passing?" I asked again. He stared at me through his extremely thick glasses as he rested his head in his hand. He sighed.

"Cry, I mean you aren't getting enough good grades and your average is low. You're not passing."  I stared at him in shock. How could this be happening?! I thought I was actually doing GOOD in his class, but instead I'm FAILING?! "How? I always get good grades on my homework and quizzes!"

He shook his head. "You're failing Cry. And you have to do something about it. Maybe.." He lifted his head up and he slowly reached for my hand with his. His eyes started to grow darker and he smiled. " could stay for tutoring hmm?" I stared at him, completely weirded out. What the fuck was he doing?

"We could stay alone, just the two of us, if it will help you learn, yes?"  His hand squeezed mine and I couldn't help but feel a little disgusted. I quickly yanked my hand away and walked a few steps back. "I'll...think about it.." Mr. Austin grinned at me with a slyly, and a shudder went up my spine. 

"I think this is for the best...Cry..."  I quickley walked out of the room, rubbing my hand a little. That was awkward. But if I want to get my grades up, I have to stay, right? I sighed and rubbed my temple. This is just..too much..

"Hey there, freak." I stopped walking and looked up. Fuck, it was those jocks I had encountered with a while back. I stared at them with exhaustion and irritation. 

"Guys, seriously. I have no time for playing with you and you're games.I have to go to class, now if you excuse me sirs." I tried walking around them. When I was about a foot away from them, I felt a hand on my shoulder. Then, I was suddenly crushed up against the locker. I coughed. The leader's face beame my whole vision.

"Games? Oh we'll show you games."  My stomach was collided with his fist and I felt my breathing halt for a moment. I felt my eyes start to water a little. He snickered. "You really are a girl, eh?" 

"Oy, Joshy! You should check to see if little girly here really is a female!" One of the guys behind him spoke. Joshy looked at me and smiled. "I think that's a good idea, guys.." My face burned and I knew I was blushing. Joshy's hand went to my thigh and I felt like my entire body was going to explode. "Pl-please stop.."

His hand suddenly fell and I felt relief wash over me. Until he kicked me and shouted at me. "You faggot! You gay little slut!" I didn't really understand. What was he talking about?

"He has a bloody boner, look!" Joshy told his friends and I heard them start laughing. I looked down, and saw a lump. But I didn't have a boner, that's for sure. I would have felt it.. So..what was that? Wait, I'm wearing skinny jeans. My pockets are really big. So that means I didn't have a boner..

I just had a bag of potato chips in the inside of my pocket.

"It's just potato chips.." I siad slowly, about to reach into my pocket and pull it out. "Liar! You're fucking gay, admit it!" Joshy yelled at me before punching my face. I felt dazed for a moment. Wow, were those stars I was seeing?

"HEy! What are you guys doing?!" I heard a voice down the hall. I turned my head, but I quickly stopped since I felt dizzy. I heard rapid footsteps come towards me. "Hey, are you alright buddy?"

I looked up and saw a girl with red hair, green eyes, and glasses. She gasped and she took my head into her hands. She wiped something wet from my chin and looked at it with a stern face. "Your nose is bleeding. We have to take you to the nurse."

"I'm fine." I said wearily. I stood up and started walking, but my vision started blurringg. Where was I? What was I doing again? My feet slipped from under me and I was covered in darkness.


"Come on, Red, we have to go. He's not gonna wake up soon from what it looks like to me."

"Scott, just shut up! I'm staying here. You, Snake, and Russ can go, I'm staying!"

"But Red we-"


I opened my eyes and they were filled with colors. I blinked repeatidly and saw everything cleer. I saw the girl from earlier and a few other people. Where was I? "Hey, he's awake." I heard a voice say. I looked up and saw that girl looking at me with concerned eyes. "Hey there, how are ya feeling?"

I sat up and noticed that my mask was slid up a bit, just underneath my eyes. My nose was stuffed with some tissue and my head felt a little better. "I'm fine. Um, who are you guys?"

The gir pointed to herself. "I'm Red." She pointed at the guy with glasses and dark brown hair. "That's Russ." He waved. She pointed to a guy with black hair and a green head scarf. "That's Snake." She then pointed at the last one of the group. "And that's Scott. So, you know who we are, who are you?"

I smiled. "I'm Cry."

She smiled. "Well, hey ther Cry, nice to meet ya. This is our group, we like to call ourselves the Mid-Night Crew." I nodded. "Cool, well, thanks for taking care of me." Red nodded. She lead me out of what looked like a nurses office. I turned back to her. "Well, bye."

"See ya."  I turned around and was about to walk away when."Hey, Cry!"

I turned back around and looked at her. "Yeah?" She grinned a little bit. "If you ever need any help, just come by us, alright?"

I nodded. "Yeah, will do!" She nodded, and disappeared behind the door again. I smiled and started walking away again. Hmm....New friends...

     ....More in time..

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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2014 ⏰

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