Chapter 1: 15 years

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brooke and sadie; B&S copyright©

•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• this is our first story so we strongly advise not to criticize our mistakes. we will try our best to make sure everything is correct. we do not have a specific day or time we update but it will probably be Fridays. we're gonna try to write multiple chapters at a time and then publish and update at different times. please be patient with us and enjoy our story! p.s. sorry it's kinda short, and it'll get better, we promise. thanks! :)
; B&S

Bea's POV:
I had lived with Evelyn all my life, so I knew how she was. She told me the reason she was an alcoholic was because her son left her. I always asked her who her son was, but she would never tell me. I asked her a lot of questions: who my parents were, who she was to me, where I came from.. but she would never tell me anything. She always tells me I'm like my mother when the curiosity gets to me and I start asking questions. At first, I thought she didn't mind and that it was a good thing, but then she started snapping at me. "I've told you a million times Bea, I'm not answering your questions so stop asking," she would tell me over and over. I didn't realize this topic was such a big deal...I just wanted to know.

I know she's not my mom, I heard my real one was killed in a war not too long after I was born. I don't know who my dad was; I've never met him and I don't know if I ever will. I live on the east side of a near vacant city called Chicago. Dead trees and plants surround me because nothing ever grows here. I know there was a war and that it affected this part of the city pretty bad. I also know there was something called factions, but I don't know anything else, and no one will tell me. They all say it's for my own safety and others, but I don't believe them. I believe something terrible happened and my mother was apart of it. I think they don't want to start a war again, so they make sure very few people know about it.

I have quite a boring life. Evelyn doesn't allow me to go out much, only to get groceries whenever she's not feeling well, or drunk. I remember when things got really bad for a period of time. She would come home almost everyday drunk and mad yelling, "Marcus!!" and how he would pay for all he has done. I didn't know who Marcus is, or was, then, and I still don't know now. But that's not the worst of it. Once it got really bad, she would come home drunk and angry, she would grab a spatula and started beating me with it. That went on for a couple of weeks but now, only occasionally, Evelyn comes home mad and takes out her anger on the only other living being below her. Me.

I haven't really explained myself to you much. My name is Beatrice Eaton, but I go by Bea. I have long, brown hair and hazel eyes. I'm not entirely thin, but I'm defiantly not considered chubby, so I guess I'm in the middle. I have never met my mother because she was killed a couple months after I was born. Yes killed. Meaning murdered. I don't know by who, and I don't know how, but I will find whoever did it. I have never met my father either, but I know for a fact that he is alive.

It makes me angry that no one will tell me anything about my family or where I came from...I deserve to know. Evelyn is the most stubborn and refuses to talk to me about ANYTHING relating to that topic. I can't really talk to anyone else about it since I don't have any friends or family. Evelyn says I've met the man named Marcus a couple times, but I don't remember because I was too little. I just need some answers. I feel like there's a hole in me that I need to fill. I know I'll only find out everything I need to know with one plan.

To run away.


Tobias' POV:
It's been about 15-16 years since Tris' death, but I still miss her with all my heart. I always think of what our life could be like now. We could have had kids, raised a family, and lived in a peaceful area where there's no chance of war or anyone getting killed. I still live in Chicago and keep touch with a couple of my friends. Peter is now a security guard protecting files for the government, he still doesn't know who he is exactly, which is good I guess. Isn't that what he wanted? Christina married Zeke and now they have two beautiful children. Zeke is the board director at the office and Christina is the secretary. I haven't been keeping up with Cara lately, but I heard she moved out of Chicago and started a family somewhere else. It must be nice for her, to not have to worry about wars and fighting all the time. To forget the pain of the past and just leave it all behind. That's not the case for me though. The memories of the war and Tris that keep me in Chicago still haunt me everyday. Unless I can let her go, I don't think I'll ever be able to leave. Currently, I work for the government as a security officer. I watch the citizens in places like the government tower and town hall to make sure no one can plan a rebellion or start something horrible again.


I was taking another walk. I took them frequently now using the time to clear my head.It's one of the only times of day I have to think. When I was walking back home, I heard a gunshot, something I hadn't heard in a long time. At first is was only one, but that soon turned to two...three...and then four with screams following. Female screams. They sounded like Tris'. Too much like Tris'. I lost it right then and there. I knew I was close to home so I ran through the cool fall weather with tears streaming down my face. More gunshots. More screaming. I flew through the door and slammed it shut. The lock clicked, my blinds drew shut, and under the covers I crawled to cry. I tried to sleep that night, but I just couldn't. Those screams reminded me too much of Tris and I couldn't handle knowing I could do what I couldn't for Tris.

Save her.


Bea's POV:
I was sitting at the kitchen table eating chocolate cake when I heard pounding at the door. I stood up quickly from the table and slowly started backing away from the violent knock. There was more pounding and with the crack of breaking door hinges, it suddenly flew open. Evelyn stormed in with a fiery look in he eyes, and I could feel her coldness bearing into my soul. She started walking towards me with long strides while I started to scurry away even quicker, afraid of what she would do next. That's when she reached into her jacket pocket and pulled out a gun.

thank you for reading! please comment and share this story!
editing credits go to our friend emmy!
@_emmytalbot_ thanks!!
our updates will be every Friday and maybe some Wednesdays. don't count on anything until we further notify you which will probably be the next time we update. thanks. :)

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