Chapter 2: The Rescue

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brooke and sadie B&S copyright©

hey guys--and girls--thanks for reading our last chapter, we know it was really short and were gonna try to make the rest longer and more interesting. :)

; B&S


Tobias' POV:

My eyes shot open at the next scream. My body, with a mind of its own, jumped out of bed and out the door into the darkness of the cold night. I wasn't sure if it was the cool weather or the still memorable sound of gunshots in my ears, but shivers ran from my head all the way down to my toes. I began making my way to Town Hall where I was stopped short when another gunshot rang in my ears. My head whipped around trying to see into the darkness. Unable to see anything, I whirled around and began sprinting in the direction of the ear splitting noise.

My feet pounded fast on the ground, but I could hear my heart faster in my chest. Soon, I realized I was at the rim of the isolated forest that sat on the outskirts of town. I saw no house, no sight of anyone living in this barren land, but I could feel she was out there.

A girl, whoever she was, was in desperate need of help. I knew she had to be miles away, and I was unsure of my endurance, but I had to try. I haven't run this far since being in Dauntless. Dauntless. Initiation. Tris. Pushing the horrid memories out of my head, into the night I ran.


Bea's POV:

I could feel my body tense and my pupils dilate when I saw the shiny surface of the gun Evelyn was holding. I could practically feel the coldness spread throughout my body. She grasped the handle firmly and stalked toward me. I couldn't tell whether she was drunk, mad at Marcus, or mad at me. Either way, I was frightened. I stumbled backward glancing around to try to find an escape route, but she eventually had me cornered. A waterfall of tears streamed down my face as my mouth tried to form a series of pleading words. Evelyn brought the gun up and rested it on my forehead, barrel between my eyes. One shot and I was dead. For a moment, our eyes met. My heart skipped a beat thinking she would just put to gun down. But I should have known better. I could see in her eyes that there was no going back; nothing could change her mind.

My head whirled. What have I done to deserve this? But I knew the answer: nothing. I have let her beat me and take control of me, but I wouldn't stand for it anymore. Not for another minute. Her index finger slowly began to pull the trigger back, but my hands flew up just in time as I pushed the gun to the ceiling. Four shots were fired, and a scream of both anger and terror forced itself out of my lips. I shoved unprepared Evelyn as hard as I could away from me. Her head hit the hard tile with a crack as she landed on the ground. Her eyes rolled up and panic flew through me, but I knew she couldn't be unconscious for long.

I ran into my room, snatched my black bag off the bed, and quickly shoved only needed items into it. Once finished, I raced into Evelyn's room unsure of what I was looking for. I scrambled about, opening and closing drawers when something caught my eye. An envelop addressed to Tobias Eaton. Tobias Eaton? Was I related to him? I grabbed the envelope and stuffed it into my bag along with everything else. I glanced out the doorway looking for a sign of Evelyn. When I saw she hadn't moved I slowly crept out into the hallway afraid that even a single creak would wake Evelyn from her deep "slumber." After attempting to stay silent for at least a minute, I made a run for the front door. Pausing in the doorway, I turned around taking one last look at the house. A smile slowly inched its way across my face. I was finally free.

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