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Tonys pov

I was arguing with loki. I regeated what I said to him. I went to samantha's room to see her and loki hugging eachother. Samantha looked up was saw me. She got up and said, "WHY, WHY DID YOU SAY THAT TO YOUR BOYFRIEND!!!" "I....i came here to apologize and to take him to dinner" Loki came over and said, "T......tony i......i can't this anymore." "W...what Please dont do this." Me and sam said. *sobs* "loki please I cant live my life without you" "Tony I just need to take time to myself" "loki I was going to do this at dinner but here go's nothing" I got on one knee and said, "loki, will you marry me?" "T......tony I" "loki I am so sorry I said, 'I wish you and I never together' I love you loki I want to be with you forever" "tony...." "so loki will you marry me?" "YES!!!" I put the ring on lokis finger and then kissed him.

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