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I was so happy that tony and loki were getting married. I asked loki if i was going to be there flower girl? He said 'you will ąłwąýş be are flpwer girl.' I left and went to my room I started to sing safe and sound. After i was done i heard James behind me so i said, "it isn't nice to sneak up on me" "I..... I'm sorry I just wanted to know if you wanted to go on a date?" "Yes." I left and went to the lab where tony was to see if he wanted to play battlefield 4 but when i got there he was passed out on the ground. I told Jarvis to call 911 and tell everyone he was passedout in the lab. Loki ran in not 2 minutes later. We got to the hospital around 5pm. After 2 hours the doctor came out and said "sir, tony is in a coma and may never wake up." Loki cryed. I ran out of the hospital and back to the tower. I was on the 3rd flight of stares when i stoped and just broke down. I was turning blue when i saw ice form on the walls, bit all i cared about was tony.

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