Pt 13

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"No way!!! I'm not doing that!!" Eddie yelled. The losers were talking about going to the Nebolt house. It was the only place left where Y/N could be. "C'mon Eddie! Please!!" Beverly begged. "B-but" Eddie started but knew he would end up going anyway. "L-let's go" bill said getting on his bike. It was winter break and freezing. Stan was the only one in his family that still had hope of finding Y/N. His family had already had a funeral but Stan refused to believe Y/N was gone. Y/N was his other half, she was his sister. She was the one who he could go to and just talk for hours. She was the one who did pranks with him.
"Let's just do it for Y/N OK!" Stan said.
"S-Stan's r-right do it for Y/N." Bill said as he rode towards the Nebolt house.
The losers had all had encounters with the clown and were scared for Y/N but also themselves. Eddie had received a bad injury from one of the encounters. His arm had broke and he had gotten a cast. I️ guess he ran into Greta because he had covered up the word loser with lover. They all felt bad for him because his relationship with his mom got worse. "Wait but shouldn't we know weapons!"Mike said. "Shit...yeah we'll meet back here in exactly an hour!"Richie said. They all nodded and went separate ways.

It was bitterly cold and I️ had just woken up. I️ noticed Jacob wasn't there. I️ got up and cursed myself for not wearing socks. "Seems like your up little tot." Pennywise said as he appeared. "What are you up to?" I️ said gritting my teeth.
"Oh nothing." Pennywise wise said walking closer. "What'd you do with Jacob!" I️ yelled. "What Jacob I️ don't know any Jacob." The clown said. I️ was furious! I️ ran towards him and tried to punch him but he grabbed me. He strangled me with his hands. I️ kicked and screamed. "What did you do with him!" I️ yelled again. I️ knew that Bill had probably moved on and I️ hurt to think that way. You needed to have hope. Hope was the only thing that was gonna keep me alive. So I put all your happiness and hope into Jacob. He was now like my little brother and I️ would do anything for my brother.
"You really don't want to know what I️ did to him!" Pennywise said inching closer to my face. "Please just tell me!" I️ said now crying.
As Pennywise told you what he did to Jacob you got mad. You had never felt yourself get this mad before. You screamed and kicked even harder.  "Do you hear that?" Pennywise asked. "What?" You asked defeated. "Your friends.... have arrived!" Pennywise wise said and dropped you. "Why don't we have fun with them..hmmm?" Pennywise said. With that Pennywise picked you up and opened the big door. You were carried up a big thing that looked like a well. Then you ended up in a house. What? "Why are we here?" You asked. "We are here to scare your friends!" Pennywise cackled and you two headed up the stairs.

The losers club had met back at the Nebolt house with their weapons. "W-who wants to stay out here?" Bill asked. Everyone put their hand up except Bill and Beverly. So they had to draw straws. Bill, Eddie, and Richie had pulled the shortest straws. They walked into the dusty house. It creaked here and there with their steps. After walking around the three boys heard someone yell for help. The went up the stairs and into a hallway. Their eyes grew wide as they saw Y/N. Pennywise has dragged Y/N up to use her as a something to drag the boys to him. Y/N saw them two and tried to talk but she couldn't. Then Pennywise appeared back in front of her. She started to scream. The boys started to run to her but Pennywise had pulled her away. "Y/N!" Bill yelled. "Fuck!" Richie said. "Wait where's Eddie?" Richie asked. "Sh-shit!"Bill said. He turned around and Richie was gone too. Once he got Richie out of the room with all the clowns. They were both worried about Eddie because of his injured arm. They found him in a corner hugging his knees. "Are y-you ok?" Bill asked. Eddie nodded and got up. The others had joined them because of all the screaming they heard. They were about to got home when they heard another scream. "Help me! Someone please help me!" The voice screamed. Stan and Bill both realized it was Y/N. "It's Y/N" Stan yelled and ran towards the basement. Just as they all got down the stairs "IT" pulled Y/n back down into the well. The losers rushed to look down the well. But Y/N and Pennywise had already made it to the bottom.

A/n hello anyone else excited for BTSxAMAs tonight?! I️ am!!! Anyway hope you liked it !!

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