Pt 15/ the end

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"Oh my god mom no ewww!" I said as my mom pulled my hair into messy bun. "I'm just saying." My mom answered back. "We're only freshman!" I said. "Well you know what we talked about. Make sure you use protect...." my mom started but I️ cut her off. "Noooooo!" I said. I blushed at the thought. It was the night of the snowball and i was freaking out. I've never been to one of these before and I'm scared. I only have two dresses since i think they're uncomfortable. The first one was from my Bat Mitzvah and the other I've never worn. So i decided on the second one.

My mom made go out and buy these death trap of shoes

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My mom made go out and buy these death trap of shoes. I mean who wears these for fun. I can barely walk in them without lookin like a fricken penguin. My mom even made me shave for this. I mean come on! I only cut myself like 123847382838 times! (I relate) "Oh my sweet baby's are all grown up!" My mom said and pretended to cry. "Mom please" Stan said as our mom was fixing his tie. Our mom walked to the car and we followed. "Y/N hurry up!" Stan yelled. "Shut up you fucking noodle lookin ass! You try walking in these!" I yelled back. Once we got to the school we got put. "I'll be here to pick you up at 11:00 ok?" My mom asked us. "Yes Yes we'll remember!" I said as I closed the door. We started walking towards the building. Once we got in we looked for the rest of the losers. While we were walking i got stares and even whistles. I just flipped them off. "I swear I'm gonna burn these heels when i get home!" I said. "Let's go get punch and see if you trip!" Stan said and i rolled my eyes.

Bill walked in with the others and i noticed
Y/N and Stan right away. I looked at her laughing with her brother. She was so beautiful. I got nervous and my hands got clammy. "Guys look there's Stan and
Y/N!"Eddie yelled. Stan and Y/N heard Eddie and were walking towards us. Wow she can't walk in those shoes. She reminds me of a penguin. But a cute penguin. I though to myself. "H-hey Y/ l-look great!" I said as i looked at her.  "Thanks Bill! You look very handsome Bill!" She said and I blushed.

"Ok guys this is operation get Y/N and Bill to dance!" Beverly whispered. All the losers except for Y/N and Bill were huddled together in a corner. "Ok so Richie go tell the dj to put on a slow song!" Beverly said. "No don't let Richie do it!" Stan said. "Why not?" Beverly asked. "Yeah why not?" Richie said. "Because Richie will tell him to put on some weird shit!" Stan said. "That does sound like something i would do." Richie said. "Ok then Stan go get the slow music!" Beverly said. "Will do!" Stan said before walking off. "Alright so Mike and Ben go get the lights to dim." Beverly said. "Yes ma'am!" Mike and Ben said. "Eddie you make sure Y/N and Bill don't go anywhere." Beverly said to the small boy. "On it!" Eddie said and rushed off. "And Richie.... go get me some punch." Beverly said and pushed the boy towards the punch bowl. "Come on! How come I don't get a cool job!" Richie complained as he got the punch. "They're planning something aren't they." Y/N said as she was talking to Bill. "Most l-likely."Bill said and with both laughed.
All of a sudden the lights dimmed and a slow song started. "Oh boy look at that you two should dance!" Beverly said and pushed the two onto the dance floor. "I don't know what to do!" Y/N said embarrassed. "Don't w-worry I think i know w-what to do! I've p-practiced with my m-mom." Bill said. "Ok so i think I put my hands here and you put your hands here!"Bill said moving your hands around. "No no no! Your doing it wrong!" Beverly said as she came over. "Here!" She said as she moved your hands to Bill's shoulders. Then she moved his hands to your waist. You started to blush and so did Bill. You two started swaying from side to side. "You're really good at this!" Y/N said as she tried not to step on Bill's feet. "Th-thanks your not too bad either!" Bill said and we both laughed. "Look at how cute they are!" Beverly said. "H-hey Bev want to dance with me?" Ben shyly asked. "I'd love to Ben!" Beverly said. Mike and Stan had also found girls to dance with. Then there was Eddie and Richie. They were both swinging each other around. Y/N and Bill laughed at them. "I really have fallen for you Bill Denbrough." Y/N said as they danced. "I l-love you too Y/N!" Bill said and leaned in. The two kissed and got closer. "Hey hey hey! Know you boundaries bucko!"Stan said as he interrupted. "Damn Stan really!" I yelled at him. "I'm just saying!" Stan said holding up his hands. You two went back to dancing. "The ring!" Bill said surprised. "Yeah I kept it!" I said as Bill looked at my hand. "You're perfect! You know that right Y/N!" Bill said and kissed you again. This is perfect and i wouldn't have it any other way.
Y/N thought to herself.
The End

Wow omg we finished this book! Thank you all so much for reading, voting, and commenting on this book. It means a lot to me! If you have any ideas for new books don't hesitate to tell me about them!! Also Happy Thanksgiving!!!🍁🦃🍽

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