WDIC3-Liking him

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Emma P.O.V.

When i got home I got a text from Andrew to meet up at the special place

I got ready and just wore a maverick hoodie, shorts and adidas. After getting ready I get my fake glasses and my phone and walk there

I saw Andrew sitting at the swing

Andrew: Nerd your here

Me: sorry I am late

Andrew: do you want to rent a bike?

Me: sure!

We rented 2 bikes and juat went around the park

Andrew: you want ice cream?

Me: sure. I'll have a chocolate


Seller: what flavor do you want?

Andrew:2 chocolate pls

Seller: sure

Andrew: thx

Seller: here you go

Andrew: thx

Andrew gaved the money and gaved me the ice cream

Me: thx Drew

Andrew:no problem

After hanging out we want back home

Mom: where did you went sweetie??

Me: I just hang out with some friends

Mom: ok

I went to my room and lied down to my bed

Am I falling for him or not


Thank you guys for reading srry for short chapter

(191 words)

Love u guys❤️❤️

-SpecialSomeone 11

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