WDIC7-breaking up for her

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Andrew's P.O.V.
I can't believe that I am dating Rebecca I am so lucky but in my heart it keeps shouting Emma. I kinda feel bad for Emma because I told her that I like her and then boom I am dating her. I think that I should break up with Rebecca

Me-Hey Babe can we meet later

Rebecca-sure babe

I went over instagram to see What is happening to Emma

She didn't post anything since I posted that I kissed Becca


I got ready to break up with Becca

I wnet to the restaurant and saw Rebecca sitting

Me:hey babe
Kisses her in the cheek

Rebecca: why do we need to talk?

Me:I am breaking up with you



I leave the restaurant and headed home and I slept

Thx for watching and sorryif keep focusing on The side of Emma🙂

Love u all

(157 words)

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