Past Fears

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Your POV

It's been four years since your parents had been shot by the mysterious person who had knocked on our door that day. What's weird is that you can't even remembered what happened after you saw your parents bodies on the ground. You can vaguely remember what happened but not enough to completely understand. All you have to remember them is a black hood cape that they gave to you for your last birthday, it's all you have left of them after that fateful day

FlashBack: Four years

We were all enjoying a nice, peaceful family dinner when there was a knock on the door, you looked at your parents and wondered if they could have been expecting someone.

Mom: I wonder who that could be, are you expecting someone dear?

You: No I am not mom, maybe it's for dad

Dad: Not for me son, your mother and I will go check, you stay here and enjoy dinner, after dinner we'll train to try and unlock your Super Saiyan abilities alright?

You had yet to unlock the ability to transform into a Super Saiyan like both your parents but someday you knew you would so you continued to eat while your parents got up to see who could have been at the door. Although if you had know what was going to happen next you would have told them to ignore it.

POV change Mom

As we walked to the door, I had a bad feeling about this and I could tell my husband did as well because he was clenching his fists like he was ready to fight

Mom: So you have a bad feeling about this as well?

Dad: Yes, I have a feeling this won't end well

We both tried our best to put on a happy non worrying smile, we opened the door and saw a man holding two guns that were exactly aimed at our heads, his hands already pulling the triggers

POV change Killer

After I pulled the trigger, I watched their bodies fall to the floor as their blood started to flow across the floor of the house. I started to turn around and walk away until I heard crying from behind. I turned around and saw there was a child starring at the corpses with tears in his eyes. I pointed my gun at his head and fired at him, but something was different...he moved out of the way right as I fired, like he or his body knew were the bullet was going and moved on its own. His hair flared up slightly and a blue aura with a slight tint of red surrounded the outline of his body. After I recovered from what happened the kid started to slowly open his eyes and they were filled with rage and sadness. The most notable feature being that his eyes that were once a dark sea blue, were now silver.

POV change You

As you opened your eyes and stared down the guy who had appeared to be the reason your parents were on the floor, you could not tell what was happening to you, there was no way you should have been able to dodge that bullet, what you found weird about it at the time is that it felt like your body had moved completely on its own. You then chose to stand and fight against this dangerous man and get revenge for you parents, when you made up you mind, your body had once again moved on its own and had kicked the man in the face sending flying back and hitting a tree. He slowly fell to the ground and didn't get up, you figured he was unconscious and the you yourself feel to your knees and blacked out. Eventually you woke up in a hospital, although you were now alone in the world. You've never had any other family members to there was no one who could comfort you in this difficult time.

Flashback End

It was at that point that you decided to continue your studies at Signal like you wanted to, although you were not sure if anyone there would understand, like, or even talk to you at all. But what you never expected to be picked on by others just because you were all alone in the world. You never liked bullies, and when ever someone was being bullied you would always try and help but it usually caused you to get beat up instead and the bullies original targets never even came to thank you for standing up for you. Although, two years ago, you saw a little girl with a red hood cape similar to yours getting picked on, she was enclosed by about four other people and you chose to step in. As usually it got you beat up instead, you never used your Saiyan strength during fights because you were afraid they might get hurt, but this time something was different.

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