Hidden Potential

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Your POV

You slowly woke up from your slumber and realized that it was night time. Your team had snuck in and quietly went to sleep. Slowly and quietly you stood up and got dressed in a different set of clothes. You wore a dark red shirt and blue jeans. You then reached for your cloak but then you remembered that it was torn apart by Cardin yesterday during lunch.

You: Damn you Cardin, out of everything you could have done you just had to take one last swing and rip my cloak. Well, might as well go see Pyrrha on the roof like I promised.

Instead if you cloak, you wore an old green jacket that had four pockets, two on each side, two pockets up top and two at the lower area of the jacket. It also had two small arcs on the left and right sides as well as a zipper in the back that had a hood concealed inside. The jacket could be zipped up or buttoned up with the buttons that ran down the inside of the jacket but you never did that because it always felt weird. As you started walking towards the door to exit the dorm, there was some movement occurring behind you. When you turned around it was Ruby rolling over in her bed and mumbling in her sleep.

Ruby: *mumble* No, (Y/n) don't. Please stop.

This shocked you. For some reason Ruby was having some sort of dream about you. Although it sounded more like a nightmare to you. You decided not to wake her because it really was not any of your business. You raised you right hand up and put you index and middle finger on your forehead and searched for Pyrrhas energy. Once you found her auras energy emitting on the roof, you teleported to her and she was standing there talking to Jaune.

You: Hey Pyrrah, what is it you wanted to talk to me about?

Pyrrah: Oh, hey (Y/n). I wanted to talk to you and Jaune.

Jaune: About what?

Pyrrah: Look Jaune, I know your not the best fighter in the class, but you show true potential and I want to help you realize that potential. It doesn't matter if you snuck into Beacon or not. You're here now, and that's what is important.

Jaune: You're wrong, I don't belong here.

You: You're the one who is wrong. If anyone does not belong here it's me.

Pyrrah&Jaune: What!?

Pyrrah: How could you not belong here (Y/n)? You're one of the most skilled fighters I know, you have every right to be here.

You: That is not what I meant. I didn't mean I don't belong here because of a lack of skill or knowledge, I meant that I don't belong here because I should have been killed long ago.

Pyrrah: I...don't understand, what do you mean by that?

Jaune: I am just as confused as Pyrrah is. What exactly do you mean by that (Y/n)?

You closed your eyes and took a deep breath. When you opened your eyes you looked at Pyrrha and Jaune who were both awaiting an explanation from you.

You: Allow me to explain, many years ago, my parents were killed right in front of me when I was just a child. I was helpless and mostly scared for my life. I was so scared that I was unable to move and the murderer was still standing in front of me with the same gun pointed at my head. If it had not been for me unlocking my semblance when I did, I would have been killed that same day along with my parents.

Jaune and Pyrrah stayed quiet for awhile and you could not really blame them. It's not every day that someone tells you the story about how you should have died many years ago. The silence that was in the air was quiet enough to were you could only hear the wind blowing. Eventually Jaune spoke up.

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