Helping A Friend

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Your POV

You tossed and turned in the bed you were sleeping in. Although you weren't exactly sure about why you could not get to sleep. You sat up straight and took some deep breaths before looking around your dorm room. You saw the rest of your team sleeping peacefully and so you decided not to wake them and got dressed and then walked out of the dorm to get some fresh air. When you were outside you looked up at the night sky. It was so peaceful.

You: Ah, this is what I'm used to sleeping under, it's actually quiet nice

You walked over to a near by tree and laid down underneath the tree and gazed into the night sky. You slowly closed your eyes and you felt yourself fall into a deep sleep.


POV change Ozpin

I was walking outside to catch a breath of fresh air before calling (Y/n) into my office to talk with him about what happened at the entrance exam. As I was walking I noticed that someone was sleeping peacefully underneath a tree in the court yard. When I walked closer to see who it was I realized it was (Y/n). I chose to wake him up and talk with him here and get this out of the way now. He was not gonna be happy about what I had to say though.

POV change You

After what felt like a few hours of sleeping, you felt yourself being awoken by a poke to your chest and someone calling your name. As you slowly opened your eyes you realized that it was non other than Professor Ozpin trying to get you to wake up.

You: *yawning* What is it Ozpin?

Ozpin: Ah, good you're awake, I have something very important to discuss with you

You: What is so important that you had to wake me at.....what time is it anyway?

Ozpin: It's about 5:30 am, and as to why this is important is because it's about what happened during the entrance exam

This is what caught your attention, you remembered the mysterious Saiyan known as Sykon who showed up and attacked you for what you did to his father years ago.

You: I'm listening

Ozpin: You see, the person you fought is a very dangerous criminal, just like his father, now since you clearly have a past with him and his father, we have to keep you here to protect you which is why we allowed you to stay here at Beacon

You: What! You said it was because I found the only white king piece, on top of that I pretty sure I killed Sykon already, so why is there a means of needing to protect me?

Ozpin: There were two but the second was destroyed during the battle, and secondly, when I sent a team to find the body of Sykon, I'll have you know it was no where to be found. This means that there is a small possibility that he is still alive. So until this situation is resolved, you will remain at Beacon and once the threat is gone, you will be asked to leave, I'm sorry

You: *sigh* If that's what must happen, then so be it

Ozpin: Understand that you cannot tell anyone about this, it's just between me and you

You: Understood

You stood up from where you were and started slowly walking back to your dorm room. Although you didn't want to, at this point you just wanted to be left alone to gather your thoughts. After awhile you arrived back at your dorm and you were about to open the door until you heard that someone was awake and sounded like they were panicking on the other side of the door. From what you could tell from the persons voice it was Ruby who was freaking out.

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