Chapter 1 - The Reaping and The Justice Building

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Surprise briefly flickers across my tear-stained face as the heavy door opens once again, allowing this unexpected visitor in. 'Why aren't you in there?', I ask, jerking my head sideways, indicating the room where she, no doubt, is comforting her sister, her poor, sweet little sister, as her lost mother looks on, wondering what she will do without her older daughter. She has been providing for the family since her father died in the mine explosion. The same explosion that killed the father of my visitor. 'I'm going in. But I had to speak to you first.' Gale's eyes are hard, cold, they let no emotion show. This is how he has always been. Always wanting so much to show what he truly feels, but knowing how severe the consequences will be if he lets slip the tiniest hint of his hatred for our world. Suddenly, he steps forward, grabs me by my collar, and pulls my face up so it is level with his. His size and power astound me; I always knew he was strong, but so am I, and my toes are barely touching the floor under his iron grip. 'Listen, kid. I'm not an idiot. I know how you feel about her. The whole town does. Even though she hasn't realised yet, you're not exactly subtle.' I open my mouth the retort, to deny what we both know is completely true, but he has started talking again before I can. 'If you really do feel like that, you have to protect her. Got it? You lay down your life for her, because I swear to God, if you come back instead of her, I will make your life a living hell. You do everything you can to stop her from dying, because with a little help, she could come home. Understand? You do anything for her, ignore whatever anyone else says, all you do is try to protect her, you don't care about yourself for the next few weeks, just her. You get her home Peeta. Can you do that?'. Of course, all of this has already crossed my mind, every detail of what Gale has said. Alone, we both die, but together, she just might get to see District 12 again. The second Prim's name was read out, I knew what to do. I would volunteer for whoever was reaped from the boys, and I would protect the little sister of the girl I love. Then the worst thing I could imagine happened. Katniss. Taking her sister's place. Offering herself up to be sent into that hell, so that her sister wouldn't have to be. I should have known she would do that, as soon as I heard the name I should have realised that Katniss would do what she always does. Protect her sister. And then I really knew that I had to go in the arena. I had to. To bring her home to her mother and sister, who need her so much. But there were selfish reasons too. I couldn't imagine a world without her in it, even if it meant I couldn't be around to witness her grow old and have her own children. I wondered how her mother and little Prim would survive without her, and I made a mental note to tell my father to look after them when I saw him in the justice building. And then Effie Trinket read my name. I almost chuckled, I didn't even need to volunteer. I'm going anyway. Then the enormity of what is about to happen hit me. I was almost crippled by the immensity of my situation, but my legs carried me up the steps to the stage anyway, and all of a sudden I am brought back to the present by a small shake from Gale. 'Understand, Peeta?'. 'Yes' I breathe, and as unexpectedly and abruptly as he came, he is gone.

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