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He's all I think about. All day, every day. I need to find him. ❞ 

Harry and Louis meet on vacation and become too attached for two boys only knowing each other two days and a half. Harry has become Louis' other half until one day he’s gone. Left alone heartbroken, all Louis thought out day in and day out was Harry. His eyes, his smile, his laugh. He only knew so much about harry but yet it burned his heart to think about him. His friends told him he’s gone and Louis should just forget about the beautiful boy he’s grown too fond of, but Louis' in too deep now. He has to find Harry. No matter how long it takes, he will find the boy of his dreams. 


Hii, so like this is a new thing to me, writing I mean, and well yeah I hope you enjoy my writing just as much as I do. I am in no way shape or form a "good" writer; if anything I think I'm honestly a shitty one lol but um yeah. This story is basically just Louis and Harry having an awesome time together on vacation, Harry leaving without any goodbye, and Louis being so sad and broken he goes to find him wherever he is. Well um yeah enjoy! Love ya, Kaylee .x

By the way you should check out my twitter and maybe follow it @LARRYINPINK thanks :)

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