Autumn Rain

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Autumn spreads herself along the broad branches of the deciduous trees that stand rooted on either side of the street. The caramel coated foliage appears warm and vibrant between the solid cement below and the darkening clouds that gather above me.

The wind whips my hair around me in a miniature, chestnut tornado of curls and the leaves rustle as the zephyr weaves itself through the branches. I inhale the chilled, twilight atmosphere. I feel as though, at any moment, i could be suddenly swept off of the pavement, despite my sturdy, black boots.

A low rumble escapes the violent sky. I march toward my home with my arms folded, trying to keep warm. I look down to try to protect my face from the bitter sting of the icy wind. Listening to the quickening rhythm of my boots hitting the pavement as i walk. Suddenly this is not the only element of the percussion that surrounds me. Raindrops drum on the ground and within seconds I'm drenched. My locks clump in damp strings that the gale plasters to my face. I grind my teeth in frustration.

The downpour is so violent that I imagine the gravity of the rain could cause the stratosphere to collapse.
It doesnt.
My senses are overwhelmed. All around me is a sheet of precipitation that restricts my vision to half a metre in front of my body. The golden leaves swirl and stick to the city buildings and an occasional flash of lightning cracks the concrete clouds.

The cacophony of the droplets colliding with the earth clashes with the crashes of booming thunder. The sound is deafening. The earthy aroma of petrichor surrounds the city.

The thunder eases to a hum. The rain thins to a gentle drizzle and as I approach my welcoming front door, I spot an iridescent puddle nestled in the tarmac. The immiscible combination of oil and water has created a beautiful rainbow film.

As the door clicks shut behind me, I realise life is not all that bad. The kettle boils. I dry myself off. Finally I curl up on the couch and sip my tea.

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