Page Thirteen

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**Next Day**

**Baby's Crying, Still in hospital. 3:05 am** 

Jug was asleep on the couch as we both woke up to the sound of the twins crying. I took one and Jug handled the other twin. It took them a while to stop crying, Me and Juggy decided to stay up and work on name ideas. This is what we have so far

GIRL:                          BOY:                       

Bella                          Ben

Lili                              Cole

Katie                         Tommy

**6:00 am**

Jug and I had made breakest just as the kids started crying "I will get them" Jug offered, he walked over to them and held them in his arms. He was such a good father. A while later he came and sat down with me and we talked some more about names.

**9:00 am**

We had finally decided on names...

Baby Jones // A Bughead StoryWhere stories live. Discover now