In the Crisp Dew of Morning

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In the crisp dew of morning, the sun rays are about to slowly peak out of our horizon. The promise of new opportunity waits patiently, for the new day to start.  

You’re in bed, not your own. Finally you are alone, with alien smells all around you. It is too early for visitors. Everyone is still abed. The only sounds you hear distantly in your restless slumber, is the shuffling of busy feet, and hushed voices of the strangers around you. You think you’ve heard a familiar voice of a loved one, here and there. Murmuring phrases of love and caresses are placed on you. A steady pressure on your hand, as if someone has held it, not letting go for the fear that if they do, you will be lost to them forever.

An energized hum mounts up in you, and you let out a sigh. The longest breath you have expelled in awhile. Comfort feels you, and you are not afraid. Light engulfs you, and you’re gone.

I enter your room, room 415, the last place you will ever be. I feel it. It’s not an eerie feeling, but more of a pressure in the room. I look at you, hesitation stops my movements. I muster up my resolve, and venture over to find out what I already know. Glazed hollow eyes stare back at me. I don’t need to feel your pulse, I know what ever animates us, is no longer in you. Relief wells up in me, I am glad that you have finally found peace.

I leave room 415, and shut the door quietly behind me.

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