A New Plan

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I'll take this time to acknowledge I have over 1400 views for this story. I also had been struggling to come up with a new chapter but I think I have something now. Enjoy.

--------DEO Headquarters--------

"Jane, my friends," Thor say with joy as he walks over to them. Hug were exchanged here and there. "We were so worried about you," Sif says. "We nearly assumed the worse," Volstagg adds before noticing Kara and her friends looking at them, "Oh where are our manners. Jane Foster, Lady Sif, and the Warriors Three." "Hey," Alex awkwardly waves. "Uh, did not one of you miss me?" Loki attempts to wave, which was difficult given that he was still restrained.   

Making a rather massive death glare, Sif advances towards Loki as if ready to kill him; luckily Thor and Kara hold her back, "You have some nerve to even so much as speak after what you just put us all through," Sif sneers. "In my defense, I had no idea the kind of chaos creating that portal would cause in the first place," Loki calmly replies, "None of this would've happened at all if you had left me be." Sif attempted to lunged at Loki. "Okay, Sif, I think you made your point," Kara grunts out as she and Thor pull Sif away.

"You're still okay though right?" Jane taps Thor on the shoulder, "Even more so now that I know you're here," Thor let's go of Sif to hug Jane. "Uh, I'm happy for this little reunion and all," Winn quips, "but don't we have another problem to deal with." "What does he mean?" Fandral asks. "The Tesseract," Thor answers, "An organization of this Earth called Cadmus currently has it in their possession."

"They're planning on using it to create a portal to the earth you all came from," J'onn adds. "What for?" Alex asks, "How does creating a portal to Earth 616 help them?" "They're going to roundup the aliens on this world and send them through the portal," Loki answers, making the group turn to face them, "I may have made a deal with their leader to hand them the Tesseract so as to accomplish their main goal to purge this planet of your other worldly residents. I also had planned to betray them and keep the Tesseract for myself but, reluctant as I am to admit, Lillian Luthor was one step ahead of me." 

"Lillian Luthor has the Tesseract?" Kara exclaims. "Oh, it's definitely the end times," Winn nervously interjects.

-------Secret Cadmus Base---------

"Beautiful isn't it?" Lillian says in awe as she gazes the Tesseract, "And to think one freak event in National City was all it took to give us such unlimited power."

Livewire clears her throat, diverting Lillian's attention from the cube, "Uh, I believe you said something about using that cube to help me get my revenge." "All in due time, Leslie, all in due time," Lillian assures, "Our first priority right now is exterminating the aliens parasites that plague this planet."

Lillian takes the cube and escort Livewire to a spacious warehouse sized room where a giant circular piece of tech stood in the middle.

"It's taken several years to take apart and modify the alien tech we've appropriated over the years and create this gate," Lillian explains, "Unfortunately we couldn't find the proper...power source needed to activate it, which is why we had to use a space ship to purge this world the first time around. But," she hods up the cube, "If what that raven haired alien Loki said was true, then this should have no problem powering this up."

With that, Lillian plugged the Tesseract into the gate. Sure enough, the gate practically whirled to life. Lillian made an evil smile, pleased that the power up was a success. "And now, we begin the purge."

"How do you know Supergirl and the DEO won't try and stop us guys again?" Livewire points out. "This time I'm one step ahead of those parasite sympathizers," Lillian brushes off as she pulls up a monitor that had an imprisoned Maggie Sawyer on display, "Even Supergirl won't be so careless as to put this girl's life on the line in order to save a thousand others."

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