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To those of you who've been reading this book since its creation, I must inform you that this story is nearly coming to a close. Another chapter after this and the whole thing will be complete.

-----Earth 38-----

Nearly all the Cadmus agents, Lillian Luthor, Livewire, and Cyborg Superman included, have been rounded and apprehended thanks to reinforcements from the DEO. "Not so fun on the arrested end of the stick, huh," Maggie smirks as she watches Lillian pull on her cuffs. "I won't be in these for long," the Luthor woman replies with confidence, "I'll be exonerated. Soon I'll be free and back in business." "Funny, Lex Luthor said the exact same thing before the authorities hauled his ass to prison," Kal-El humorously quips. Lillian merely scoffs and turns away, refusing to make any eye contact with the male Kryptonian.

"Still think you could do some good with this place?" Maggie asks Lena. "I'm hoping," Lena honestly answers, "I can change the codes to this place now if I want; in fact, I think it would be best to open this place to the public." "Why's that?" James presses. "My mother wanted to use this place to expel aliens," Lena explains, "I wanted to use it for research. After what just happened maybe this facility can be used as a community center or something like that; a place for humans and aliens to get along peacefully. Maybe it could be a step for more people to better understand and accept aliens the way they are." "That...actually sounds like a great idea," Maggie nods, "Maybe this way we'll raise people to not be like Lillian or anyone else in Cadmus."

Meanwhile in the center of the facility, Thor extended his arm towards the Tesseract, hoping maybe the portal would magically open if he could attempt to summon Mjonir when it was tossed right through along with Kara.

"Can't you try harder?" Mon-El worriedly exasperates. "I'm doing the best I can, Mon-El!" Thor retorts back, frustrated that he couldn't have saved his new friend in time. The Asgardian stretches his arm harder to the point of straining. "Thor, that's enough," Loki urges, "It's too late. Kara's in another dimension, there's nothing you can do."  "I have to try," Thor insists.

"Thor, he's right," Alex admits. "How can you give up so easily on your sister?" Thor frowns confusingly. "I'm not," Alex answers, "But this isn't going to work, we need to come up with a new plan to rescue Kara."

"We can build another generator," Jane suggests, "I have the notes Selvig wrote about it back at the DEO. I remember there was a list of materials needed to build the same generator that was used in New York." "Winn, you don't happen to have those notes on hand do you?" Alex communicates from her device. "Matter of fact I do," Winn confirms, "Jane left the notes she didn't need with me. I'm looking at the list right now. We shouldn't have any trouble gathering the materials needed on this Earth." "Than let us make haste," Thor replies in urgency.

"Hey, have some faith in Kara," James pulls Thor aside as the team makes ready to leave for the DEO, "She'll be alright." "I fear she may be in grave danger, and we are unable to aid her," Thor solemnly responds. "She can handle herself," Mon-El assures with confidence, "I''m worried too, but if there's one thing I've learned about Kara is that no matter how great the odds, she'll always find a way to come out on top."

-----Earth in some random dimension-----

It took a few moments for Kara to come to after being hurled from the portal. Groggy, she shakily gets on her feet and takes in her surroundings.

No doubt the Kryptonian was on Earth in some other dimension. It definitely wasn't Earth 1, and it certainly wasn't Thor's Earth either. The environment was too bleak and grey, almost a desolate wasteland filled with ash and dust.

Hammer of Steel: A Supergirl/Thor CrossoverWhere stories live. Discover now