Fiorina Inmates

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It quickly got around that there was a female at Fiorina for the first time. Some inmates were furious. Some were happy and some were concerned. Fiorina is filled with Rapists and Pedophiles and Murderers.

The inmates saw the new girl for the first time when she first went into the cafeteria for their morning meal.  They were all shocked. She was so young. Her face was pale but she was still beautiful.

Junior stared at her. She was looking for a place to sit by herself. There was no place but there was a man sitting at a table by himself. He was reading. She walked over to him and asked if she could sit there.

He motioned her to sit.  His name was Leonard Dillon. He was reading the Bible. She quietly said thank you.

She turned to see Junior staring at her. She stared back. He gave her a soft warm smiled. She didn't know what to think. She turned away.

After breakfast was over they went straight to work. After they went into the pit. That's where they go after work. Rebecca looked around in amazement. She had never seen a room so big before.

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