Ch.5/Send Off

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"I love you" 

You froze.

You weren't sure what Jungkook meant by I love you. 

"Hm?" you said quietly. 

"Y/N I've been meaning to tell you for a while now and -" 

Before Jungkook could finish his sentence The lights began to Dim and send off was about to begin. 

"Welcome Seniors!" The head principle said on the Microphone. 

You looked away from Jungkook and all your attention fell onto the principle. 

You starred at the stage that was accompanied by a long table and two black boxes were placed on the top. 

Taehyung was in the middle row of the auditorium, listening. 

"Seniors, Today is your final day and send off shall begin." 

The head principle paused and chuckled. 

The head principle was a mystery man, he was not reveling his face. 

He had a mask that only reveled his eyes, which frightened you quite a bit. 

But everyone thought it was quite normal. 

"You must all be wondering exactly what send off is" He said and began walking in front of the table. 

"Arranged. High school. Marriage."

All students immediately began to whisper among each other. 

All your friends were whispering among each other.   

You were surprised yourself. 

You were afraid and worried. 

As you thought among yourself you felt something warm squeeze your hand. 

Jungkook's hand. 

No, No. I want Y/N with me. I don't want her to be into a forced relationship. Jungkook thought. 

He tightened his grip. 

"Jungkook that H-Hurts" you whispered. 

"We have to leave." 


"Y/N let's leave. Just you and me." 


"Let's go! Before-"

You heard the doors slam shut. 

"No one is leaving." The head principle said with a deep voice. 

Jungkook began to worry. He wanted to protect you but it was too late. 

"Mr. Eun!" The Head Principle shouted. 

The Vice principle walked onto the stage, as the Head principle stepped off the stage. 

"Seniors, Send off is mandatory.  The population in town is low and we must raise the number." He sighed. 

"It is time to determine, Who you will be forced with."

Step by step he walked to the two black boxes sitting on the long table. 

You could hear his heavy steps hitting against the stage. You heard Seniors whispering among themselves.

Jisoo called your name. 

"Y/N what if we get forced to marry a lunatic. I-I can't."

Jisoo began to tremble in fear and you saw fear in her eyes. 

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