Hit the Books

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You barely made it to the research labs on time, and you knew you were screwed - for lack of a better term - when you walked in. Professor Stan eyed you up and down, a frown tugging at his lips as he turned to one of your colleagues. You sighed, shoving your bag and coat into the first open cubbie you spotted, before taking a seat at your desk.

You pulled out your laptop, and as you waited for the research materials to open up, you took the time to stretch. You cracked your back against the chair, and nearly fell out of it when you heard his voice.

"Wasn't expecting to see you come in tonight, Y/N." You glanced behind you, watching Professor Stan move to sit next to you. You felt a nervous warmth wash over you, and you tugged at the sleeves of your sweater.

"Why's that, Professor?" He smiled, resting his arm on the back of your chair, his hand barely grazing the back of your shoulder.

"I may or may not have overheard about the fun you had last night." You locked eyes with him as he smirked, the nervous warmth now burning your face as you tried not to look embarrassed.

"How much did you hear... about that?" The professor stood up abruptly, waving someone away as he walked behind you.

"Just enough, Y/N. Now please, get to work. I don't want to have to punish you later for wasting precious time." You swallowed thickly, unaware that your breathing had become labored as he walked away, not turning to look back at you. Oh, shit.

A couple of hours had passed, and you finally won over Professor Stan. He was vastly intrigued by the work you had come up with, and he couldn't stop reading your work. You gave yourself a mental high-five, proud that you had been able to make up for the fact you were late - again. He was tugging at the knot of his tie, running a hand through his hair as he continued reading your work.

After another fifteen or so minutes, he rose from his seat, pulling his phone out, typing away furiously. He glanced up at you when he felt your stare boring into him, and a small smile graced his lips when he met your gaze.

"Excellent work, you never cease to amaze me. I'll be right back; think you can handle them for a bit?" He nodded in the direction of the other students, who were in the middle of a debate over the quality of some data entries they had found.

"Yes, Professor. I'll make sure they behave." He chuckled at your words, licking his lips as he watched you shy away from his gaze.

"I like the sound of that, Y/N." He walked away, mumbling away into his phone, leaving you an awkward mess. What was that all about?!

A few moments later, Professor Stan returned, followed by someone you had only heard about by word of mouth; Professor Evans.

Everyone adored Evans; he was one of the kindest professors on campus, allowing students the opportunities to make up exams and quizzes, as well as offering various forms of extra credit. And as always, there were rumors circulating those 'types' of extra credit, but there was never actual proof Professor Evans was anything but the sweet gentleman everyone made him out to be.

You couldn't help but stare at the professor, especially his baby blue eyes, which stood out even more than Professor Stan's - which you had never thought could be rivaled. You heard a subtle snapping sound behind you, and you turned around to face the professors, as they stood at the front of the room.

"Well, as most of you may know, this is Professor Evans, one of my very good friends here on campus. He's been intrigued with this project since the beginning, so I thought we'd give him a little show and tell, hm?" Professor Stan clapped his hands, grinning alongside Professor Evans, who seemed very happy to be there. You locked eyes with him for just a moment, and you could've sworn he flashed you a smirk before turning to look at Professor Stan.

You were busy working on your paper when you heard someone clear their throat. Turning around, you nearly choked on the pencil between your teeth. Professor Stan laughed, walking over to your right side. You locked eyes with Professor Evans, and you couldn't help but smile. He smiled back, taking the seat on your other side. He rested his arm on the back of your chair, and leaned in close, looking over the paper on your screen.

"It-It's almost done; just a few more data entries to add in, and then I have to go over it once more-"

"I'm sure it's just perfect. Professor Stan says you're one of his best. And I have to say - I agree." You felt a familiar warmth overtake you, and you couldn't help but smile.

"I told you, Evans, she's a marvel. I'd let you borrow her sometime, but I'm a possessive man." You bit your tongue after hearing Professor Stan's words, trying your best to hold back the shock most likely written across your face. Professor Evans glanced up at Stan, smirking before meeting your gaze.

"I'm sure we can share, Sebastian. How does that sound, Y/N?" He smiled at you sweetly.

"Yes, yes that sounds just fine!" You squeaked, covering your mouth with your hand as you felt a wave of embarrassment. Both professors chuckled at your response, and Professor Stan rested a hand on your shoulder, gripping it lightly.

"I sure do love the sound of that." He practically whispered the words into your ear before rising, walking around the desk. "We'll be back shortly; we have a few more students to see. Good work, Y/N. I'm proud." He flashed you a smile, Professor Evans doing the same before they made their way over to the other side of the labs. You smiled back, before turning around in your chair, internally screaming at yourself. What the fuck was that?

The night was drawing to a close, and most of your colleagues were wrapping up for the night. You just finished putting your things in your bag, when you realized your coat was missing. You looked up, Professor Evans only inches away from you. You gasped quietly, and all he could do was laugh.

"Looking for this?" He raised his arm, your coat draped over it. You sighed, nodding. "So it is yours?"

You tilted your head in confusion - did he not just see me nod my head? You nodded again, and you heard him mumble something before he moved away.

"You've got to tell him it's yours, Y/N. He's a very vocal man." Professor Stan's voice came from behind, and you couldn't help but smile shyly, avoiding Professor Evans' gaze.

"It-It's mine, Professor. Sorry." You looked up, seeing your coat right in front of you. You tentatively took it from his grasp, smiling once more before slipping it on. As you headed for the door, you heard whispered talking, followed by your name.

"Do you mind coming by my home office tomorrow evening? Before the study group? I have some things I want to discuss for next semester." Professor Stan smiled, running his hand through his hair as Professor Evans watched you, licking his lips.

"Of course, Professor. I'll be there."

"Thank you." 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 17, 2017 ⏰

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