Chapter Ten: Secrets To Be Told

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Tikaani gave a groan and rolled over in his sleep. Something snuffled at his face right before he felt a slobbery, sandpaper like tongue scrape across his cheek. He slapped at the being feebly and his hand connected with the tough whiskers of a Tokota. Lifting his head, Tikaani looked around drearily, his eyes still foggy from sleep.

He sat up slowly, rubbing at his eyes and stretching out his legs. With a massive yawn, Tikaani looked around. Thankfully, he noticed, he was back in his igloo, safe and sound. Well, as far as he could tell, he was safe. Outside, Tikaani could hear the dogs barking and he realized Chena wasn't in the hut with him and Kanosak.

Kanosak nosed him again, her body shivering and a low whine emanated from her jaws. His head swam as he stood, leaning heavily on the Toko's shoulder. "What's wrong Kanosak?" Tikaani slurred his words, he couldn't quite get them out right. He took a step forward and for some odd reason the world turned upside down and he ended up on his back. Kanosak came into view, her eyes wide and panicked, prancing on her paws.

She nosed him and whined, lifting her head to watch out the door. Tikaan sat up, grunting with the effort, and climbed to his feet. He went to lean on Kanosak but she had hurried out of the hut and into the open air. With a sigh, he stumbled into the light. Instantly he crumpled to the ground, his head felt like it was on fire. He couldn't see straight and the blinding sunlight and snow made his head pound.

Tikaani sank into the snow, burying his face in his hands. He could still hear Kanosak in the background, whining and pacing in the snow. The boy lifted his head and looked over at her. He jumped to his feet and gazed around his camp. Sangilak had returned and was currently sitting about thirteen feet in front of Tikaani. Resting between his paws was a haunch from Tikaani's kill a few days ago. The large Tokota was eating it as if there weren't a team of dogs around him, as if he was back at home, in his own territory.

At the boys movement, Sangilak picked his head up, scraps of meat hanging him his jaws. He lapped at his lips, clearing away a few bits and pieces, only to dirty his maw again to eat some more. Tikaani watched him angrily. Him and his team worked hard for that food. He sighed, maybe he should take these signs of ill will as some sort of omen. Tikaani stood and thought it over for a minute.

He had run away from home, come into a piece of the forest that no one really explored. Now he was being visited by a pack of Tokota, though they didn't seem to be dangerous, and they must live around here. Tikaani huffed and paced in a tight circle. He hadn't considered that he actually moved into the Tokota's territory unknowingly. He stopped and sat back in the snow, watching Sangilak. The wolf hybrid had cleaned the bones free of the most meat and was now gnawing on the bone itself.

It made Tikaani shiver as he cracked the bones in his jaws. Kanosak had come back to sit beside Tikaani, watching the older beast eat. She bent her head to sniff at Tikaani, pressing her nose into his shoulder blade. Absently, he reached back to pet her. "What are we going to do?" His head was still reeling from the drink he had had last night and the dream was fresh on his mind as well. There was just too much he had to sort out.

First, he decided, he'd get them out of the area, hopefully. Tikaani used Kanosak to stand and made his way into his hut. When his Tokota companion went to follow, he gently pressed on her snout, which was already larger than his hand. "Stay out here and watch him ok." She seemed to understand decently, turning to sit just outside the door.

Alone now, Tikaani sat and got to work. Quickly packing things into their rightful satchels. He went to scoop up the water skin full of the elders' drink and paused. It wouldn't hurt to just forget it here, would it? He shook his head, scooping it up and tying it closed tightly. Tikaani stuffed it into a pack and hauled them out the little door way.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 17, 2017 ⏰

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