Izaya knows...

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"Izaya! When are you going to get your act together!! Have you learned nothing from these lessons?!" Izaya gazed blankly at the teacher in front of him.


"Neh...Takashi-san..how about you go scurry off after those pesky little children over there," he drawled pointing at the group outside pouncing on each other like dogs in a heat, "and leave me ALONE!"


He rolled his eyes and looked up in annoyance. "What do you want?! I'm already top in school. I already know all this bullshit you teach at school. Isn't that enough? What more do you want!?" he yelled. Screaming at the old fool, and ending his phrase with a snap of a jaw. He chuckled as the man flinched away, and grinned.

"I-izaya Orihara!" the teacher spoke, trying to compose himself again, glaring at the insolent teenager in front of him. "Office now!"

The grin fell, and Izaya snarled, rolling his eyes yet again. Yes, he loved his humans, but oh, how ever so annoying they were. Forcing a toothy smile, he gave Takashi-san one last threatening, before strutting his way down to the office. Oh who was he kidding, office? No way in hell would he be following some stupid teacher's orders. He was heading straight home.

He wondered why his teacher even bothered to try to up his supposed "bad" behaviour. If he didn't know any better, he'd say the old creep had a little crush on him. Only thing, he did know better. The creep was a disgusting pedophile. Running around like some slobbering dog after the new girl with the big breasts. Anri...Anri Sonohara.

Izaya's frown deepened at the thought of the 30 year old harassing a girl half his age. My humans can be quite disgusting can't they? He'd have ought to teach them better. To bring them all back down to where they truly belonged. Under his feet.

He stuffed his hands back into his pockets and walked through the school doors, looking lostly up at the ugly sky before him. Dark. Black. And absolutely ugly. It was as though a child had scribbled all over it and then tried to erase it in a way that it smudged all the gray. And then spilled a cup of water on it.


Rain. His day really couldn't get any better could it? No it really couldn't. Grumbling he stepped out into the bitter cold, shivering as the rain found its way through the clothes and now clinging to his skin.

He didn't like the rain. No he really didn't. Clothes turning to nothing but wet paper. Vision hazy. And his footing instead. Worst of all it was....cold. Sure he didn't like the rain, but he hated the cold. No buts no ifs.

The way it creeped up onto his skin, forcing involuntary shivers, and the bitter feel against his bare fingers. All things taking his control away. His face no longer pasted into a smile, he wrapped his coat tighter around him, and grumbled.

Yes, Izaya Orihara, the one and only, frowning at the sight of rain. It was strange, for a man of his likes to not like this sort of weather. He was supposed to be laughing, grinning at the destruction that a storm of such likes could cause. So when he came across a smiling brute, his frown only deepened.

Dogs aren't supposed to smile in the rain. Dogs are supposed to hate water.

But then again Shizu-chan was never normal to begin with. Shizu-chan was a monster. And only monsters smiled like this during such a storm.

The blonde was sitting on the steps of one of the bleachers and grinning like a fool up at the clouds above. His eyes were closed, and it seemed the brute was enjoying himself there.

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