The Assassin Chapter 1

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Never in my life had I been in so much pain, physical, mental, and emotional. I had been captured by the enemy along with my family as we tried to escape the war. So much for freedom, I guess. I am sixteen, and the enemy soldiers had already had some "fun" with me last night. By my estimate, my family -what's left of it- was captured and taken prisoner about two weeks ago, but I may be wrong because there are no windows in my cell so that I can count the days. The food is bland, and the texture is disgusting, however it keeps me alive -for the moment. By my estimate, it is brought twice a day. Once in morning, before they take me out of my cell, and once at night, when they bring me back.

The only time I see my family is during the torture sessions. The good part about them is that I see my family quite often. The bad part is that one of us is being tortured constantly, and the others are forced to watch. I am usually the one on the bench, so that the other two don't have to deal with the pain. My mother used to take the brunt of the torture, switching with me every now and then, so that she could recover some, then take the bench again. But she soon died of her wounds. l found that since she died, I have felt responsible for the little ones, more so than I ever had before. As the oldest, it is my responsibility to protect the little ones as much as possible. If I can save them, even temporarily I will. But I plan on trying to go for a more permanent solution. My unquestionable service and loyalty, for their freedom. For me to sacrifice my freedom, so that they may have theirs. It is the best thing I can do for them. They deserve a normal life, or at least a chance of one, and I plan to give it to them. I will not let my brother and sister get hurt if it's within my power to stop. I am willing to die before that happens. I may not know what they want, but I am willing to do anything to save my brother and sister. They are the only family I have left.

As my food is brought in, I ask the guard standing by the door if he might be able to ask his boss to come speak to me because I have a proposition that I wish to put to him. The guard looks at me quizzically, and I am scared he is one of those guards who hate the prisoners with a passion. I've already run into several, but he's not, luckily, and he nods once, acknowledging , my request. He says, " I will ask him as soon as my shift ends, I hope your not wasting both of our time though, because not only will you be punished, I will as well." I nod in return and thank him. I turn to my food and eat it as quickly as possible before the guards come to bring me to the torture chamber for the day...

(N/A: Ok, this is the second piece of my writing that I have really liked. Sadly, the first I lost as my computer crashed. This is the first since then I thought was any good, and I would like your opinions as this is the first one I have ever published. Please leave comments, and tell me what you think. I do not want to write a lot more unless people actually like it. This is kind of a hard thing for me to do by putting this out there into the world, so please, please don't hold back any remarks on how bad you might think it is [though you probably will think my writing is terrible] and if you like it, tell me what you think happens, and give me some ideas. I've got a basic idea for this, but I tend to forget them. So please help me out. Thank you so much!)

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