The Assassin Chapter 2

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The guards come in right as I finish the food. By now I have learned not to fight them. Especially these guards. These four are some of the most hateful people. I'm glad they came to my cell, because that means that my brother and sister have the nicer ones. The ones who actually realize that despite us being the enemy, we are humans, and we are kids, not wild animals. I jump up and let theses guards put the cuffs on my wrists. They also attach a chain around my neck as a short and stocky man walks in holding a clipboard. "Oriya?" He asks one of the guards and they nod. "Jasper has requested that she be freely washed, dressed and brought before him in an hours time. There will be no torture for her or her siblings today. They are coming as well. So chop-chop! Get a move on!" He shuffles us out of the room and down the hall.

He and the guards bring me to a door I had not yet entered and I realize that it is the shower room. There are metal loops with long chains and manacles on the wall so that the prisoners cannot escape, while still allowing them to wash. The manacles I was wearing were switched with the ones on the wall. I am grateful that the water is hot, not cold. The guards give me shape, conditioner, soap and a washrag. They strip me down out of my ratty prison shim, and I am told to start bathing. The thing is, I am now nude, standing in a shower in front of four men, three of which had played a role the other night raping me. It makes me really uncomfortable, so I turn around so I can pretend I am alone with my back to them and get to work, scrubbing myself.

When I am finished, they put me in a new shim, one of better quality, and it is clean and unblemished. They Take me back out into the hall having removed the manacles, but instead of chaining be back up like before, they just put a gun to my head. We meet up with my brother and sister and I confirm that the nicer guards are in charge of them. I am relieved because none of those guards are complete assholes. Just the ones around me. I give them both a quick hug, and realize that they too, had been washed. I smile. "Hey Orion, please stop picking your nose, your six. Sylvia, you look pretty, but please stop playing with that area. Thank you hun." I look up at the guards, then pick up Orion, and swing him up onto my right hip, and I pick up Sylvia and swing her onto my left. I carry them down the hall, with some of the guards in front, and the rest on the sides and back. I follow those ahead of me.

As we wind through the twisting hallways, I notice that we pass the same landmarks several times, and I realize that we are going in round about circles and start mapping the place in my mind as accurately as I can. I notice that door with the curious runes, the crack in the wall with a central impact point, almost as if a head had been smashed into it. I know, a weird thought, but considering that I've been tortured a lot in the past week, I wouldn't put it past this place. I look around as we walk taking in every single detail I can. Suddenly the guards in front of me stop, and I realize that we have stopped in front of the door with all those weird runes.

One of the guards beat on the ground twice with a staff that was left by the door, and then places it back into it's original place. The doors open and we walk in. It is a large room almost like a ballroom with it's big domed ceiling, and tile walls and floors. The ceiling is painted intricately with what looks to be historical places, along with the events that made them famous. The room is bare, except for a platform in the center that has a throne like chair resting on it. Beside the platform, several tables have been set up with copious amounts of food and drink. There is one table, stationed in front of the throne's platform, but far enough away for the inhabitant of the chair to be safe form any unwelcome surprises.

We are shuffled in front of the platform and I am told to put Orion and Sylvia down. I do as I am told, and then we are forced down onto our knees and told to look at the ground. The guards stay standing as a man in flowing robes comes and steps up to the podium. He sits and says a word in a cold, but warm voice, "Stand." It is most definitely an order. I grab hold of Orion's and Sylvia's hands and tell them to continue looking at the ground.

"A guard," the man sitting on the throne said, "told my assistant that you had requested an audience with me to talk about a proposition that you were thinking about. Is this true Oriya? You three may look upon me." We do, and I say, "Yes, my lord. I do have a proposition. I - hush Orion..." I start again. "I do, I am wondering if than in exchange for my service in any way, shape, or form, my willing cooperation and obedience, that you would let my little brother and sister go. And if you are not willing to let them go, then stop torturing them and to give them a proper education."

The man on the throne looks thoughtful as he thinks about my idea, but then he frowns. "Any way, shape, or form? Even if it were a sexual service?" I shudder, but nod. "It would not be the most comfortable for me, sir, but as long as I keep my siblings safe, and whole, I will be willing to do anything. I can't stand to watch them die, and one more thing: Good medical care."

He looks me up and down and says to me, "By the way, my name is Aliahn. Aliahn Garcia. I accept your offer. There is a place you will fill quite nicely, I think. Take the lot of them to the dormitory wing, bed them down in there. Give them a suite. One with three bedrooms, and make sure that it's on the fifth floor. Keep two guards in the center room, and five outside at all times. No weapons allowed to the three of them." He stood up and I quickly get the three of us down on our knees and looking at the ground as he leaves.

(A/N: I'm just writing it out for now so that you can have more to base your opinions on, but I hope you like what Oriya chose to do. and from the title, you probably know what Aliahn will choose. But there will be a slight plot twist in the next chapter. Thank you all! Please leave your ideas on how it's going to progress...Also, please tell me whether you like it or not? Thanks!)

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