Chapter Three

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     (A/N): Sorry for not updating in like, forever also there will be more frequent updates hopefully

     Pidge had passed out from exhaustion and dehydration, she hadn't slept in days and hadn't eaten. Lance was so... hurt, upset, sad, he couldn't describe it. Everyone was huddled around the healing pod, the rest uncomfortable because they had done this before. Lance just gazed at Pidge, wishing they would emerge from their sleep. When Pidge had passed out on the cold floor, Hunk had an anxiety attack, Keith had just froze, he wasn't responding or even moving; The only thing indicating he was alive was his short shallow breaths.
"They should be out in half a Varga." Coran announced, but in less of an announcing way and more of a tired, sad and lonely way. When lance brought Pidge to the med bay coran almost froze as well. Lance assumed it was because it wasn't too long ago that the team dragged lances half dead body into the very same room. Lance shrugged the thought off and smiled, he hoped the team would be in high spirits after this was over with. "Alright! Once Pidge is out, we'll have our final puzzle piece to Voltron!" Lance exclaimed filled with excitement. He heard Keith grumble and Shiro tried to stifle a laugh, but Hunk looked dead. "Hunk? Buddy? Cmon, once Pidge gets out you can crush her with your hugs!" Lance wished he would have realized what was wrong sooner.
"No lance! I don't want to hurt them, I don't! Stop it!" Hunk was sucking in uneven breathes now, Lance knew something was wrong before. He just hoped he could have fixed it with some lighthearted jokes. But now Hunk needed him. So he stepped up, just like always. "Hunk-" Shiro tried to intervene but Lance wouldn't let that happen, Shiro didn't know what to do. Lance raised a hand and spoke to Hunk in a soothing, parental voice. "Hunk, Hunk it's me Lance. Listen to my voice, you are safe." Hunk was hyperventilating, Lance knew it wouldn't do any harm but he still felt worried. Lance placed a hand on Hunks back and drew small circles, every time he finished drawing a circle he'd count one number up until four, then restarted the process. Hunk wasn't getting better, and Lance wanted to stop this before Hunk passed out. "Lance!" Lance shushed Shiro with a small, protective glare. He then turned his attention toward Hunk again.
"Breathe with me buddy." Lance started taking deep, audible breaths. After a little bit of guidance, Hunk was breathing steadily again. "You're back." Lance smiled before opening up his arms, Hunk looked up at his best friend and hugged him. Shiro and Keith joined in the hug when they heard Hunks quiet sobs. The paladin cuddle session was interrupted by the healing pod opening and revealing the small figure of Pidge. Coran was there to catch her, he wasn't joining in on the cuddle session because he knew he would start crying too. "Coran?" Pidge's voice sounded so weak, it broke the mans heart all over again. Lance looked up at the two with a tired smile and motioned for her to come over. She made her way over with the guidance of Coran. They finally had an all paladin cuddle session, and they were doing to cherish it. "If you don't mind, I'm going to prepare food and water for number 5. Take care, Paladins." Coran was just about to leave when Keith stopped him. "Thank you, Coran." Coran smiled back and walked away, something about the way Keith said that reminded him of the old Paladins.
"Uh guys, we should get going now." Keith suggested. It had been twenty minutes and they were still all cuddling. Hunk had stopped crying, but he was still hurting. Shiro agreed, "We should take Pidge to the dining hall, she needs it." Lance nodded, and pulled Hunk up. "Pidge." Lance caught the small girls attention. "Yeah?" Pidge looked back at the tall boy. "Can we use your computer system to watch an earth movie?" Pidge raised an eyebrow. "Maybe, why?" Lance huffed. "Well I was thinking we could all have a movie night?" Pidge's face softened. "I'd like that, what about you Shiro? Keith?" Shiro nervously laughed, "Maybe another time, sounds tempting though." Pidge pouted and turned to Keith. "I'll pass." He said rather bluntly. Lance rolled his eyes, "What a bore..." "Hey!" Keith barked at Lance before giving him a fake scowl. Lance grinned cockily, before talking to Hunk. "Buddy? Would you be okay going to pick a movie off of Pidge's computer?" Hunk sniffed and nodded. Lance turned to Shiro before letting Hunk off towards the door. "Can you go with him?" Shiro looked confused. "Why?" Lance stepped towards Shiro and placed a hand on his shoulder. "He could really use some comforting words from our leader- no, from his friend, Shiro." Shiro nodded and ran after Hunk.
"Alright, lets go get you some food." Lance smiled and kneeled down before Pidge. "Lance... what are you doing." Pidge asked, Keith was looking at Lance like he was crazy. "What? The great Pidge doesn't want a piggyback ride?" Pidge's eyes widened before she was on Lance's back. Pidge was seriously lighter than all the other times he gave her a piggyback ride. Lance couldn't dwell on that though, he'd take care of it, he'd swear on his Abuelita! Lance got up and started running, he shouted behind him. "I bet I can beat you to the dining hall with pidge and with 10 seconds to spare." Oh it was on. Keith took off after the duo, somehow they managed to lose Keith, but he had speed. Keith tore through the hallways before arriving at the dining hall with a smug smirk. The doors opened for him to reveal-! Lance? Lance was sitting down with his legs kicked up on the table. Pidge was eating beside him. "Too slow mullet boy!" Lance snickered at Keith. "How did you get here!? There's only one way to the dining hall!" Lance took his feet down. "One, that's a secret, and two, you're wrong." Keith was dumbfounded.
Keith, Pidge and Lance walked into Lance's room. Hunk and Shiro we're sitting down laughing, Hunk still looked puffy eyed and red faced, which meant he'd been crying again. It looks like Shiro handled it though. Pidge almost shrieked when she saw her computer, "So you DID steal it!" Lance let out a fake "girly" scream and ran behind Keith. "Protect me samurai!" Keith stuttered and backed up into Lance. "What!?" After a little bit of Pidge and Lance wrestling, the Paladins finally managed to calm down. Pidge giggled at Shiro leaning back onto lances bed. "Decided fo stay Shiro?" Shiro looked up and sighed comedically. "Fiiiiine." Lance and Pidge cheered while Hunk politely clapped in the corner. "I guess that means I have to stay too huh?" Keith crossed his arms and pushed his hair over one of his eyes and pretended to be super emo. Pidge snorted and Lance latched onto the other boy, "yuuuuuuup!" Keith laughed and tried to push lance off. "Lance get off me!" Keith laughed, but Lance persisted. "LET ME SHOW YOU AFFECTION."
By the time they had started watching the movie Hunk fell asleep against Shiro, while Lance was leaning on Shiro, Keith was leaning against Lance and Pidge was leaning against Keith. They got halfway through the movie before everyone besides Shiro and Lance were the only ones awake. They stopped the movie and Shiro got up to go get blankets for everyone while Lance put away Pidge's computer and put Pidge on his mattress. Shiro came back with all the pillows and blankets he could find. Lance tucked Pidge in first, then he slid a pillow under Hunks head and Shiro tucked him in. Lance jokingly just threw a blanket over Keith's face before Shiro fixed it. Lance yawned, Shiro was resting beside him. "Goodnight Shiro..." Lance's eyes were getting heavy. "Night Lance." Lance closed his eyes, Lance was asleep in no time. Shiro draped a protective arm over Lance before falling asleep too.
Everyone had a very good sleep that night.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 17, 2017 ⏰

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