Part 8

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Third person's POV
She wiped off her tears then leave the place.
She went to her own house which her father and mother left for her.

The gate in front of her house opened.

'Miss,is it you?

"Yeah,I'm back for 2 years.

Mila do a fake smilebut the maid seems to be happy.Cause she still smile at her.She walk towards her father's room.

"Big but ...


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She saw a wooden box under his father's bed.She open it and it's a letter.

"Well,I think I w -

My phone cut off me again!She unlock her phone.


A-my:Where are you I'm starving now because of YOU!

Me:Okay,okay I'll be back soon.

A-my:Soon?!I want it now.

Mila take put the letter and put it in her school backpack.


A-my:I said NOW!

Me:Okay!Just wait.

Mila walk to down stairs when she's about to close the door...

'Miss,where are you going?

"I'm going to meet my friends.

'Neh,be back soon.

"Em,I think I'll be back tomorrow cause I slept over at there.


At the dorm.

Renee:Finally,you're back.


A-my:Can we start NOW?! (While arranging the 'Soju')

Maya:Let's get starting.

Mila put down her staffs and went to the table.She take her seat beside Maya.

Mila:What's for today?

Renee:Gogigui and soju.


"Haven't you done yet?!


"Oh my god.It's already 12a.m.

'We need a lot of staff at there,okay.Milanim.

"But they already done their's.You're the last one.

'Yah,whose the one that need to wash and clean all the dishes for you girls.

"Okay okay I'm not gonna fight with you.

'Don't you have school tomorrow ?

"Oh!I almost forgot about it.

'Go to sleep!

"Neh,Maya eomma.

Mila open her eyes and look at the clock.It's 4 a.m.

Mila's POV
It's 4 in the morning I walk to the bathroom and clean up myself.Cause I need to send them to the airport.

I took a bath and wear ...

Yeah,that's what I wear

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Yeah,that's what I wear.

'Girls are you done yet?

"Yeah!I mean YES.

I grab a toast and put it in my mouth.Then,I drove them to the airport.Since,their waiting for me outside the house.

At the airport

A-my:I will miss you,Mila.

Maya:Me too.

I hugged them tightly including 'Vivy' before they went to the checkpoint.

They wave at me.

I look my watch.

'Oh shit.It's already 7 a.m.

I run towards my car.Once I get into it I drove it quickly to the school.Luckly,I mannage to reach before the bell ring.

I walk to my class.

During class
Somebody mess my hair.
No feeling .
Somebody talk to me.
Not answering back.
Somebody told me to copy notes for her/him-self.
Not doing it.

I'm ignoring them today.I turn cold.

The bell ring.

I exit the class and went to the locker.
As I open my backpack something fell.

'It is the letter.

I picked it up and put back to my bag.I kept the books that is useless and put the book for the next class in it.

Tzuyu's POV
Boring day!
I decided to make someone else cry.I was looking for my victim.Then,I remember Park Mila.

She keep ignore me today so...


'Hyuna and ... Jennie?


'Oh.Are you guys boring today?

"Yeah of course.

'I have a plan.

At the rooftop
Mila sat on the nearest bench and took out her letter.

Letter ...

To my lovely daughter,How are you?Actually appa want to tell you that you are not alone yet.Although,appa and eomma left

To be continue...
Hope enjoy.
Stay with internet connection

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