Chapter 2 ~ meeting

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After getting their usual morning coffee Taehyung and his dad hugged and parted ways. Taehyung never questioned his dads work, he knew he was helping people and that's all that mattered to him. He didn't want to know about the risky surgeries or gross sicknesses, just knowing his dad was helping was enough to fill his curiosity.

Taehyungs POV

(A/N ~ Sorry if POV keeps changing)

I made my way up the stairs. I didn't have the patience to wait for an elevator, I was filled with far too much excitement to wait. This patient had been waiting since last night and he need not wait any longer! I sprinted up the stairs up to the 5th floor and luckily the room was the 5th door on the left. I'll definitely remember where it is. I steadied my breathing by taking some deep breaths and knocked lightly on the door.

"Hello? Come in"

His sweet yet deep voice sent shivers down my spine, he sounded slightly older than 18 but eager to see what he looked like I pushed open the door with a smile.

"Hey I'm Taehyung, it's nice to meet you, don't panic I'm not a doctor I'm just the son of one of them, Dr.Kim"

(3rd person POV)

Jungkook slowly looked him up and down from his hospital bed, taking in the new bright face that entered his gloomy room.

"I'm Jeon Jungkook, what're you doing here if you aren't a doctor?" He tilted his head in slight confusion.

"Oh well since my dad works here I come too! I'm here to hopefully be your friend and make you feel better" he showed his bright box smile and closed the door behind him.

Jungkook looked him up and down once more.

"Friend..?" Jungkook hesitantly considered the offer for a few seconds before speaking again "Well... why don't you sit down and we'll get to know each other, id like the company"

Taehyung nodded and went over to move a chair beside the bed and sat down comfortably.

"Okay Jeon Jungkook, we need nicknames to make the friendship better, hmmm how about.... Bunny!"

Jungkook chuckled lightly and nodded and shifted a little uneasily from being slightly nervous.

"Mhm bunny is fine, is it okay if I just call you V?"

"That's a strange nickname.. I like it! Taehyung is a bit of a mouthful isn't it"

Jungkook sat up and propped a pillow behind his back to be comfortable.

"Heh just a little bit but it's a nice name"

"Aww thank you, I like your name too but you look like a bunny to me so that'll be your name!"

"I don't mind 'bunny' it's fine. How old are you? You seem young"

"I'm 20! And you?"

Jungkooks eyes widened a little

"Wow really, I'm 18"

Taehyung face palmed

"OH yeah my dad told me you were 18 that's why I came here since you're close to my age"

Jungkook smiled a little.

"You chose to come see me?"

"Yup! Dad told me you came in last night and that I should see you since I wanted to see someone my age... why are you in here? You seem healthy, just a little pale is all"

Jungkook sighed and looked down

"I have a sickness but .. they haven't determined what it is yet but it's to do with my chest you see, I have a weak heart but i think it's more than that"

"Ouch that sounds painful is there anything I can get you?"

"No no no no it's fine honestly I just get pains sometimes but I've had the medicine i need already but thank you"

Taehyung nodded and they continued to talk for hours about their likes and dislikes and their lives at home and school etc. Taehyung learnt that Jungkook has an older brother that he doesn't get to see often since he's always busy at work and that he's homeschooled because of the illness. Taehyung told Jungkook all about the neighbourhood and how he'd love for him to come and stay over one night so he could show him around.

Hours passed until lunch came and a nurse with a tray of food for Jungkook interrupted their chat. The nurse smiled and set the tray on Jungkooks bed.

She was a large woman with her hair tied securely in a big bun on her head. She had titan red hair that clearly needed to be re dyed since it was obvious to see thick black roots sprouting out of her head. Her uniform was neat and to Taehyung she just looked like a huge pillow. Despite looking tired she gave a bright smile to Jungkook.

"I'll leave this here for you now, poor boy, if you need anything you know what to do, ah and hello Taehyung would you like me to bring food up for you?"

Jungkook shuffled around a bit and brought the tray to his lap,.

"Thank you"

"Oh no I'm good thank you"

"Okay I'll leave you two to it then? You're lucky to have Taehyung he's a kind boy, goodbye" she gave Jungkook a slightly sad look before turning to the door.

They both waved awkwardly as she left and Jungkook slowly began to eat his lunch. Taehyung tried not to but he couldn't help stare at Jungkooks arms, every time he moved them the veins were clear and the muscles worked with ease, he clearly worked out so it was difficult for Taehyung to concentrate.

After all he was gay.

This was nothing new, he'd known for years he was gay and even his dad knew. Coming out to him was easy just a simple "I'm gay" was shared and he understood completely, Taehyung just never felt it was important to announce his sexuality as soon as he meets someone. He finds it makes people uncomfortable sometimes too so it was easier just telling the people he wanted to know. 

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