Chapter 8 ~ getting plans

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Taehyung and jungkook had been sat talking for a while now about various things. Taehyung was trying to get the younger to talk as much as possible to gain more and more ideas on what to do for him. He kept note in his phone when he came up with a new idea which wasn't hard after getting jungkook to open up, he was interesting to listen to as he had so much to say about anything and everything.

-Taehyungs notes-
Ideas for jungkook 🐰
> all nighter – homie game / movie night
> Sushi
> eating competition
> Buy and try new clothes
>watch/join a street dance

Jungkook was clueless. He was too transfixed into the world of talking which to his surprise was actually fun! He rambled on and on about anything his mind jumped to and Taehyung seemingly didn't mind at all! In fact he quite hastily asked more questions as soon as the younger showed signs of saying less or moving the conversation onto Taehyung. That was until, jungkook mentioned his birthday.

"**** which is on September the 1st and-" he was cut of by the choking surprise of Taehyung.

"I'm sorry WHEN?!"

"September the first...?"

Taehyung felt his blood run cold, September the first was in less than a week! How on Earth was he supposed to plan an entire day for Jungkook in such little time?!

"Bunny why didn't you tell me sooner?! We have to celebrate and plan! What cake do you like? Where do you like to go? What do you want? How abou-"

This time the younger cut off Taehyung

"V! Chill, you don't have to do or prepare anything for me honestly I don't want anything"

"What..? But aren't your family coming? We should do something you're turning 19!"

Jungkook felt a pain in his heart at the mention of family and struggled a great deal to speak any words

"They... no... just.. don't.. not.. coming"

Taehyung was obviously baffled at the random spout of words.

"I don't understand bunny? What do you mean? Don't want?"

The small boy visibly shrank and chewed his bottom lip in search for the right way to word things without making himself cry, but this task was easier said than done as there seemed no possible wording that could make it seem as if it wasn't a big deal. That all because it was a big deal. He wanted his family, he longed for a celebration, his biggest wish was for a happy birthday, something he hadn't had in many years. When was his last birthday ? A proper birthday? The way a birthday is supposed to be with presents, friends, family, cake, celebration and balloons. Jungkook recalled his past few birthdays and all that came to mind was him in various hospitals, alone... usually sleeping, perhaps not even knowing it was his birthday. However when he was young he definitely had birthdays, he remembered the thrill and excitement that kept him awake the night before each birthday. How different it all was now.. it'd been maybe 5 years since he'd even received a birthday card, let alone celebrated properly. Nevertheless he began his attempt at an explanation.

"Well uh.. you know, I'm sick aren't I? So.. things like celebrations are hard, don't waste time planning for me when I may not even be al- uh able to attend"

Taehyung chuckled and shook his head, much to the younger confusion.


"Don't be so silly! Sure you're sick but it's no problem for anyone to stil give you a birthday celebration! It'd do you good to get up and out of this room for once"

Jungkook mentally cursed at himself for even mentioning his birthday now, things couldn't get any worse.

"No V I don't think you understa-"

"Ah ah ah!" Taehyung slough mouth cut across jungkook.
"I understand perfectly but nothing you say could ever persuade me to not celebrate, in fact I should go start planning! It's getting a bit late anyways.

"W-wait what V no calm down a second I-"

But it was too late. Taehyung had already risen from his sitting position and was checking the closing time of the nearby stores.

"Text me if you need anything bunny! I'll come see you tomorrow usual time"

Just as jungkook was about to speak Taehyung ruffles the younger hair and practically leapt out of the room at full speed. What was jungkook going to do now...?

~A/N> I'm sorry for the long wait, chapters are taking me a very long time to write so here's a short filler chapter for now! The next chapter will be much longer I promise, thanks for staying with me, bye for now~ 💜

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2018 ⏰

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