Psychedelic Nightmare

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I was walking alone inside the biggest university here in our country. People go here to run or ride their bikes, as cars pass by here rarely. The university road is full of trees and the grass fields here are huge but it looks like a ghost town when you come here at night. I actually don't know why i'm here. Maybe because I just want to breathe fresh air and see nature? Maybe. I don't know. I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't realize that I haven't seen any people since I entered the gates 30 minutes ago.

I continued walking on the road where there were trees lined on each side. Then after 20 minutes, I reached a road intersection where I saw people gathering in the middle. They are setting up a stage and a big screen. "Finally. There's people! But whats happening here? A screen in the middle of the road? Hmm." I thought to myself. I got curious so I went to the guy who was fixing the projector and asked him "Hi. Whats happening here? Is there an event or something?" He looked at me smiling so widely and said "Oh hello there! We are going to have a film showing right here in the middle of the road! Cool! Isn't it?" he said while still grinning from ear to ear. I replied "Oh that's nice. What kind of film?" He answered "We are going to show a documentary about  climate change, capitalism, conspiracies, the truths of the world and many more! Its so shocking so you better find a seat cause the show is about to start!" He laughed weirdly then he ran excitedly to the front row and sat on the floor. "Wow that's creepy.." I told myself. I looked around me and I saw everyone grinning, looking so excited and happy that their faces looks creepy. I'm getting a weird vibe here but i'm curious so I stayed and looked for a vacant space and sat. 

As I was seated and waiting for the film to start, I looked at my phone and noticed that there was no signal. "Why do I feel weird.. Whats happening?" I asked myself. It feels like I was having an acid trip where everything was so surreal and unreal. Then my thoughts were interrupted when I heard the movie countdown begin. 

"Everything you know about our world is a lie. Discover the truth and be ready to be awakened" after the opening line, everyone applauded like crazy. Its been approximately 15 minutes since the film started and everyone was so silent and focused. All of them were smiling weirdly while watching the film. Their eyes were glued to the screen while i'm sitting here wondering why i'm here. I was halfway through my thoughts when I heard a terrifying scream. "What the hell was that?" I said. The girl sitting next to me looked at me annoyingly like I did something stupid or I did something bad and said "SHHHH!!". I continued watching when I heard the scream again, this time much louder. 

I stood up and made my way to the back to see where the scream was coming from. I realized that it was coming from the end of the road opposite the screen and where the audience have their backs facing. I walked further then I saw silhouettes and shadows of a crowd where it seems like a riot was breaking out. It looked like chaos was coming. This made me nervous so I walked away. I turned my head to see what was happening one last time and then much to my surprise, I saw a man biting a woman who was trying to get away.

The man looked so hungry and looked like he was eating the woman without remorse. It was like watching a scene from animal planet or national geographic where the lion was eating its prey. "Holy shit! This is crazy! This looks like a scene from the walking dead! Oh my god!" I thought to myself. 

I got scared so I ran back to the intersection and I told the people watching the film that there was something wrong and they should turn around and look behind towards the end of the road. I also told them that I saw a man eating a woman. I told them that its dangerous and they might get to us in no time so they better stop the film and we should all leave the place immediately. But everyone was still focused watching the film. They looked at me annoyingly like i'm a crazy person and told me to shut up. I told them that I wasn't kidding and i'm not crazy. What I saw was real. I screamed frantically "You should all believe me! Its not safe here and we all should run while we still have the chance to do so! Please! Turn around and see what i'm talking about! There's chaos and if we don't leave, were gonna die! Save yourselves!" I beg them. One guy said "Bitch! Cant you see that we are watching here? You speak again and I will punch your face!" he angrily said. 

"What the fuck! Can they not hear the screams? Its getting nearer and louder! This is absolutely crazy! But they don't really care! Are they crazy? What the fuck's happening right now! This is so fucked up!" I hysterically told myself. I was panicking and the weird feeling grew bigger and bigger. My thoughts were interrupted when I felt that someone pushed me. I looked at everybody and they all looked angry. Their faces looks so creepy and everyone was shouting for me to leave. The guy who said he will punch me stood up so I had no choice but to leave.

 I ran at the opposite direction. While I was getting further, the chaos was getting nearer and the people who were watching did not have any idea of what was happening. I looked one last time and saw that the chaos has reached them. It seemed like they were so hypnotized by the film that they didn't care even when the crazed zombie like people were attacking them. What didn't make sense was that while the audience was being mangled, they were still grinning creepily while their eyes was still glued to the screen. It was bloody and gory it looked like a scene straight up from horror movies. You can even hear the flesh and bones tearing while the rabid people sounded like wild animals. This made me feel so scared and nervous that I felt like I wanted to throw up. It was traumatizing and terrifying but I have to keep running. And that was the last thing I saw before I lost sight of them.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 17, 2017 ⏰

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