Pacify him

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''Taehyung'', called Jungkook out of the kitchen. ''Be a good boy and come here for a second.'' He was waiting for the milk to heat so he could make his baby and himself hot chocolate.

''Yes Daddy.''

Taehyung came running down the stairs loudly, his favourite plush, Mr Toddles as always in one of his hands. His cheeks were red and his hair flew wild around his head, bangs sticking to his forehead. He had been exploring the universe with his other plushs Mang and Koya, till Jungkook called him, and was excited to tell his Daddy about the many beautiful things he saw.
Before the last step he stopped for a moment, then he took a swing and jumped down, in his Daddys arms.

''Shh baby you know you shouldn't run down the stairs like this you might hurt yourself. And please, inside voice.'' Eventhough Jungkook was scolding Tae he couldn't resist kissing his cheeks, his baby was too adorable in his spacepyjama he wore as a replacement for an astronaut costume.

He let him down and took his hand.

''One minute then the milk is warm enough and I can make your hot chocolate.''


Taehyung grinned and wondered himself again how big his Daddys hand were compared to his own.

After the milk was warm and Taehyung had replayed with Mr Toddles their encounter with the giant sausage octopus, Jungkook picked up his, Taehyungs and Mr Toddles cocoa, Taehyung had insisted at the last one, and walked them to the livingroom.

He had prepared everything. The old spaceblanket from his childhood, which belonged to Taehyung now, cacao and a pile of disneyfilms in reach, stuffies and of course many many pillows. He wanted to soften the outburst as much as he could and wanted to be ready to comfort Taehyung because what he wanted to say wouldn't delight the little.

He sat his little boy on the couch, blew Taes cup with cocoa to cool it because Taehyung was too small at the moment to do so by himself and gave it to him.

''Both hands.''

Then he sat across Taehyung to face him, who tried to sit criss cross applesauce with his cup dangerously wobbling in his hands.

Jungkook took the cup again out if his hands to prevent a further catastrophe and put it on the table. He intertwined his long fingers with the short one of the smol boy in front of him.

''Taehyung I have to say something to you but you have to promise to stay calm'', he said. Taehyung could really rage himself into tantrums which even led him to hyperventilation and Jungkook wanted to prevent this.

Tae still innocent unknowingly looked happy at his daddy and nodded.

''So today I've read an articel..'' Jungkook started haltingly,

''about pacifier..'' He held his hand up to stop Taehyung from starting to blabber about his favourite pacifier.

''And there was written that pacifier aren't good for teeth of a grown up.. I was concerned and searched and apparently I found out that adults shouldn't use pacifier.''

''Daddy don't worry you don't use pacifier, don't be sad it will be alright, your teeth are ok''.

Taehyung smiled reasingly at his Daddy and patted his hand.

''Uhhhm, that also concerns you, Taebaby..'' Jungkook bit his lip. He didn't want to say it, even less because Taehyung had been in little space so deep lately.

Taehyung laughed.

''Daddy, you know I'm not an adult it' s fine if I use pacies.''

Jungkook sighed.

''I know you're my little boy but still it won't change the fact that you have the teeth of an adult''.

Taehyung looked confused, then his eyes became big and his upper lip started to quiver uncontrollably.

''That means..'' and before Jungkook could say anything he started to cry. It was the worst from what he had excepted. He had hoped for Taehyung to get mad and destroy his mug or to pout because a crying Tae meant a hurting Tae and that was one of his very soft spots.

Taehyung clutched Mr Toddles on his chest, cheeks becoming wet and wetter, his lips biting harshly on his lips, to let out no sound. He cried so hard it broke Jungkooks heart.

Jungkook couldn't stand the sight he wanted to hug his poor little baby and tell him he would buy him every pacifier of the world he wanted, but he couldn't. Not if it affected his baby's teeth and would cause him trouble in short or long.

He swooned Taehyung in his arms and started to stroke his hair while soothingly whispering sweet nothings in his ear.

After a while Taehyung calmed down, had drank another cup of cacao and a lot of kisses the first storm was overcome.

''You know..'' started Jungkook. He still stroked Taehyungs soft hair unconciously.

''Yesterday we read the book about Willy the tooth, right?''

Taehyung nodded and wiped the last tears away. He licked his lips, they tasted salty.

''We read that if we don't care for our teeth and don't brush them, they will hurt right?''

Another nodd and a small hiccup.

''So if you won't stop to use a pacifier, Willy will get hurt and we don't want this, right?''

Taehyung nodded again still without saying anything, but playing with the hem of Jungkooks white shirt.

''Words baby.''

''I-i don't w-want Willy to have ouchy.''

''So you will stop to use your pacie?'' Jungkook asked Taehyung, who snuggled closer to him.


''B-but you have to give me extra kisses and cuddles every night. Ohh and stop to tease Mr Toddles! It's not his fault that he doesn't have hair..''


''P-pinky promise?''

''Pinky promise!''

A/N: Just to clear some things, pacifier (for children) can cause some damages to adults teeth only if you use it at an excessive amount but otherwise the story wouldn't have worked..
Thanks for reading even though I'm not a good writer and it's really short lol. Please point out mistakes since English isn't my mothertounge~

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