Chapter 2 - Escora

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I've been staring into darkness for some time now, simply questioning what the hell happened, and if it's still happening. I can't recall anything vividly, but what I do remember is that someone was following me and eventually they caught up.

Ugh, I really wish I could see, or do anything actually. All of my senses seem to have gone, and it's really frustrating. I've been conscious for ages now, though I don't know exactly how long since I don't seem to have a concept of time right now.

Should I just try to fall asleep? Hope that this is all just a dream? What if it was all a dream and right now I'm in my bed and just suffering from... some sort of sleep paralysis? Yeah, I'll just try and go back to sleep and when I wake up everything will be perfectly normal.

I turned over on to my side as I regained consciousness. Wait... I'm awake! I fluttered my eyes open, quickly snapping them shut again due to the bright light that I assumed was the sun shining straight on me from the window. I rolled back onto my back as I opened my eyes again, happily welcoming the sight of a plain white ceiling.

Wait... My eyes widened and suddenly I didn't feel even the tiniest bit tired. My ceiling's not white. I felt my stomach drop as I finally noticed that I wasn't alone. Suddenly the soft hushed snoring was very, very audible.

My breathing came to a halt and my heartbeat sped up in return. I glanced in the direction of where the sound was coming from, freezing in place after confirming my suspicions that someone else was in the room with me.

How the hell am I supposed to get out of this situation? I gulped and bit down on my tongue, mentally refusing to let myself cry. I just need to sneak out of this place, I'm assuming I'm in my kidnapper's house?

Why would he take me to his house though? That makes no sense... Ugh, whatever, I can get the police to answer these questions once I'm out of here!

I slowly crept off of the bed that I was previously lying on, almost instantly missing its softness and warmth. God, How much I miss my boring morning routine right about now. I glanced over my shoulder to make sure the strange man was still asleep, which he luckily was.

After unnecessarily checking again to make sure he was asleep, I started tip-toeing towards the exit. A few seconds go by before I finally make it out of that dreadful room. I bit down on my tongue again, holding back a sigh of relief

After taking a couple seconds to calm myself down, I realized something that I wished I had realized sooner in order to save me all the panicking. I'm in a hospital. Wait, what? Why?

I glanced up and down the hallway, scanning the area for any nurses or doctors. This place seems quiet... Maybe even too quiet. What do I do? Do I look for someone? I need to find out why the hell I woke up in a hospital.

I turned around and looked back into the room that I had just come from, staring at the man inside who's still asleep. Should I talk to him? I mean, he doesn't seem as scary now that I know I'm not being held captive in his house...

I bit down on my lip, anxious about what the outcome will be if I do decide to go back into the room talk to him. At first, I didn't even notice that my breathing had become rushed, but once I did I tried my best to calm myself down.

It's okay, just go in and talk to him, you're in a hospital and not tied up in his basement, it's gonna be okay. I gulped before finally making the decision to step back into the room I tried so desperately to get out of just a minute ago.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2017 ⏰

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