Part Two!

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There she was. Out of nowhere. There stands Sasha. Looking down at me, she puts out her hand to help me up. I get up and wipe away my tears. We start talking to each other standing face to face. I could barley see her it was so dark out. I ask her where Violet is. She responds with something that was unexpected. "Listen Jaclyn, when we were hiding we saw this guy. He did not look very nice. I spotted him and I told Violet to run. By the time she looked back he was right there. I got away but she, didn't have time. He got her and took her away. We need to find her, but not this late at night."
With tears in both our eyes I try to change the subject by saying "Are you hungry?"
She nods here head yes. We both sit down in between the rows of corn. "Well good thing there lots of corn!" I say. We both got a giggle out of that. We both grab a corn stalk and take the corn off of it. I peel my corn while she peels her corn. We both take a bite at the same time. It was a bitter taste because the corn was no longer fresh. "I wish we could be at home, drinking hot chocolate. Watching a movie" I said.

Let's hear the moms perspective on this:
"Girls come out for your hot chocolate. The movies on." The mom yells. She opens the door to see an empty room. In fright the mom checks the whole house, only to see it empty. The mom thought to herself "how can a single mom lose both mine and someone else's children?"

About a half an hour later, she decides to go looking for them. She hikes on her tall rain boots, throws on a coat, grabs a flashlight and heads out. Through the foggy dark mist she can barely see anything. The flashlight was not help, it was actually doing her worse so she turned it off. The mom looks through the bush, looks through the trees, and looks through the shed. She looks up only to find her self face to face with a corn field. She rushes back inside, grabs the phone and dials 9-1-1. At that moment I realized , I have lost  3  children. The person on the other end and says "9-1-1 what's you emergency?" 
"Hello? Ma'am? Are you still there?"
"We are on our way! Hold on."

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