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Disclaimer: I don't own anything aside from the plot. Characters are created by the brilliant J.K. Rowling. Harry Potter A/U Fanfiction. Tell me what you think! :) Sequel to Between the lines! :)



“Picking up the pieces, of the wreck you went and left. And I'm dealing with dilemmas in my now so stressful life. And I'm drinking stronger spirits, I made my home here on the floor and I'm losing all ambition and goals...”




After four years...

“You’re drinking again” Pansy said as she padded inside her best friend’s room.

Draco tore his eyes away from the newspaper he’s reading and stared at the petite raven haired woman who’s standing near his bed. “Hey Pans” he greeted.

Pansy frowned and walked towards the couches; she sat right in front of him and crossed her legs. “Still obsessing over her, I see” she observed.

Draco blatantly ignored her comment and took a sip of his scotch; “I don’t know what you’re talking about Pans, I’m just reading the paper” he replied.

Pansy sighed and studied her best friend’s gaunt face; “’s been four years...Don’t you think it’s time to move forward?” she softly said.

Draco threw the paper on the coffee table and frowned; “I don’t understand what you’re saying Parkinson. I’m perfectly fine” he replied coldly.

Pansy shook her head; “After all these years, you’re still in denial. No wonder you can’t move an inch from where you were before” she said.

Draco huffed; “It’s my business, mind your own. What brings you here anyway?” he snapped.

Pansy rolled her eyes; “I’m here because I had to hand-deliver your invitation to the wedding. Theo doesn’t want me to owl it because he knows you’ll blame the owl if the invitation gets lost. We don’t want you ditching the wedding after all” she said.

Draco chuckled and took another sip of his drink; “So, you two are really doing it? No more drama?” he teased.

Pansy laughed and threw a pillow at Draco; “That was before! Don’t bring that up, you prick!” she replied.

Draco just smiled and shook his head.

Pansy took a peek on her watch and stood up; “Well I better go, I still need to deliver a couple more invites” she said while fixing her dress.

Draco nodded; “I’ll be at your wedding, I wouldn’t miss it for the world Pans” he promised.

Pansy smiled; “I know you wouldn’t. I’ll see you soon love” she said while walking towards the door. She twisted the knob and pulled it open; she was about to step out but abruptly stopped. “Draco?” she said.

Draco raised a brow; “Hmmmnn?”

“Please control your alcohol intake, you’ve been drinking so much in the past years and I’m worried about you....” Pansy said.

Draco took a deep breath and nodded; “I will Pans, don’t worry about me. I’m alright” he replied.

Pansy studied his pale face and nodded; “I’ll see you soon” she said.

Rewind (Dramione Fanfic -- Sequel to Between the lines)Where stories live. Discover now