17-Nov-17- in my dorm
Whoopee!!! I got selected(and my dear, Christy too)!!! The list went up this morning, actually due to some special reasons AND Am sorry, I didn't update you for a long time....
The problem with me is that I am not too used to to fill up diaries, Blah blahhh...well , you know what? Today, Miss Harriet asked if I was writing in you or not and that was when I remembered you and I just nodded my head you don't know how hard it is to lie to a person whom you kinda love AND ''Nodding'' isnt lie is it?? Well ,YES, I guess it is...
Now what shall I do?????????
12:00 AM- during lunch break
Hey !What a pleasant idea!!!! I would go straight out of my dorm, turn the second left from the corridor and run up the steps AND( Mind me if I use too many ANDS actually I luv to talk so whoever talks to me I am like this happened and that and that and that...So where were we??)
Oh yah !! then turn to the ladies staff room next to grade 4 from the right and confess to Miss Harriet that I lied!!!
Umm..Well, I guess that would need a lil bit of gathering of a courage and that means that #Christy_is_wanted !!!!
Short StoryMargaret fluscher is a thirteen year old ,hot tempered child(she is poet , and a very good one).She dumped in the hostel at the age of five , after the death of her parents(she is told that). She tries to study hard to earn her a fortune when she le...