This Is How This Story Started

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(A/N: Hey, my name is Extremebakerlife. I am 15 and a sophomore in high school. This is the first thing I have ever published, so have patience with me, I hope my writing improves over time. So, now that you know a little about me, let me tell you how and why this story came to mind. My english teacher, went to go have a surgery done, and left a with the sub an assignment to do a journal write. The assignment was to write a short story using mood and tone. The night after I got it, I was up working on my room around 12:30 - 1:00 AM. At this point, this idea comes to me, and I realize that it won't be a short story, there's too much that's involved. I know that this is not the best writing I have ever done, but please bear with me. Thank you so much!)

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