Emma's pov
Right we had been sat here for like five minuets and I was actually starting to worry where the boys had got to, surely getting some drinks doesn't take this long.
"Meg where do you think they have got to , drinks don't take that long to make do they?” i questioned “that's just what I was thinking, should we go and see where they are?" I just nodded and started walking in the direction of the boys.
I could hear noises coming from what I think was the kitchen but wasn't fully sure. Then I managed to hear talking through the door "YOU DID WHAT BRAD?” I think that was Tristan, but why was he raising his voice at him? And what had brad done that was so bad?
"You heard me guys I kissed meg! It was amazing.." It sounded like brad had not really finished but James interrupted " jasmine do you remember her, yer that girl that you have been going out with for over 2 years now brad, what if meg really likes you, what if she thinks that you like her!"
And with that meg ran out the door, knocking me over on her way suddenly the talking stopped and they walked out with a worried expression on their faces
"How much of that did you hear and where is meg?” Brad said with a slight wobble in his tone "we heard enough brad, oh and meg yer that girl that really liked you, she went how do you think I ended up on the floor you idiot! How could you do that to her!!" Then a silence took over the room we were all stood in, well apart from me I was still on the floor, I landed on my ankle and it really hurts when I try to move, but right now I had one question in my mind- where had meg gone?
"Here let me help you up" Connor passed me his hand, when are hands touched it was like a spark of electricity had been sent through my body."thanks con" he pulled me up but then i nearly fell down because of me ankle, but con caught me, his arm wrapped around my waist.
"You ok em? Have you hurt your ankle?" He looked worried for me, that was something I wasn't used to, the only person that
really ever cared for me was meg but did conner now care for me? i don’t have time for this right know so shut up brain.
"yeah I think I landed on it funny when meg pushed past me" before I know what was happening con lifted me up bridal style and took me to the couch.
"right, you guys go and find meg, it was your fault brad so you can go to. I will stay here with em to sort out her ankle, is that's ok with you" he said the last part really quietly, it was like he was maybe embarrassed, but he looked soo cute. "course you can con, thank you"
Here you go, left Meg with a bit of a plot twist there, hope you enjoy please read comment and vote, next part will be by meg
Love you emma xxxxx Megan xxxx

the tune
Fanfictionmegan and emma are best friend's who just enjoy music and making covers on youtube. emma and megan have had quit a past and they think it is all behind them or is it? will people from there past come back to bite them on the bum? and will the sweet...